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Advanced Reporting - Applying Filters

Applying Filtering to advanced reporting

Niki Budd
Updated by Niki Budd

Advanced Reporting Filters

Filters are a powerful feature that allows you to narrow your data down to only specific data points that you care about. Filters can be used with any of the data blocks.

Video Tutorial:
Step-By-Step Tutorial: Applying Filters to the overall Block
  1. From your existing report, to apply a basic filter, select the menu item and then select filters
  2. Select + Add Filter
  3. Select the column you'd like to filter on; in this example, we will use Column = Condition, Operator = equals, and Value = concussion. This will filter all of the information contained within this graph to only problems where the condition equals concussion.
Operator Options:
- Equals: When the value matches, the data will be included.
- In: Allows you to provide a comma to limit the list of values. If any of the values you provide match the value in the column, the row will be included.
- Not In: If any of the values match, the row will be excluded.
- Includes: Checks to see if the value you provide exists anywhere in the field. This is primarily helpful when comparing partial text. A good example of this is useful for the Organizations column. Because a patient might be in more than one organization at a time, the organization's column might contain a list of values instead of a single column value.
- Excludes: filters out the rows with matched values.
  1. Select OK to apply your filter
  2. Select Refresh to update your new filter setting
  3. You can also create filters within your filters, to do so navigate back to your filter option
  4. Now select the + within the filter group
  5. The And operator between the two conditions will allow you to apply the initial filter that must be met before the data is included in the data.
  6. If you'd like to include a secondary filter, select the + icon below your initial filter group
  7. A second filter group will allow a data point to be included if either of the data groups are included, or if both of them are. This is indicated by the OR operator between the two filter groups. best practice is to name your data block in a way that makes it clear which filters are applied.
  8. Select OK to add your filtering changes
  9. Select next to edit your data in order to rename your data block to match which filters are applied
  10. Rename your data block
  11. Select OK
  12. Select Refresh to view your filter edits
Step-By-Step Tutorial: Applying Filters to Series on Line Graphs and Bar Charts
  1. Select the desired blocks menu icon and select Edit
  2. To apply a filter to a series select the Filter icon
  3. Now set the series Column = Condition, Operator = equals, and Value = concussion
  4. Select OK
  1. Rename your series to match your filter and select a color for the series.
  1. Select + to add a new series
  2. Now, set the filters for the next series, rename the series, and select the color. Repeat this action as necessary
Note: For each series, you can apply a separate filter. Usually, in these cases, it makes sense to apply the same filter with a different value across the series. For instance, here, we've created three different series, each for different types of problems across an organization.

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