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Basic Editing Of Reports

Reviews basic editing of advanced reporting

Niki Budd
Updated by Niki Budd

Basic Editing Of Reports

When creating a report from scratch or via a template, you're able to customize the report to best meet your needs by editing the content

Video Tutorial:
Step-By-Step Tutorial:
  1. Begin by navigating to the reporting tab on the left navigation.
  2. To edit an existing report, select the reports menu, then choose Edit
Note: Any changes will automatically save to the default reporting while in edit mode. If you're unsure of the changes you plan to make, we recommend selecting Copy and editing that version of the report first.

  1. Once you've selected Edit, you will navigate to Edit Mode
  2. To view the data while you make changes, select Refresh.
  3. To change the report name, select the edit icon.
  4. Update the name and description as necessary and select OK
  5. To move items on the dashboard, drag and drop them to the desired location
  6. To resize an item, select the edge of the item and drag to the desired area, or select the corner to resize
  7. To delete blocks, select it's menu item and select delete
  8. Edit the report blocks by selecting it's menu item, then selecting edit
    Note: To learn in detail how to edit your reporting blocks, follow along with our reporting category - Configuration Report Blocks
  9. To add new blocks, select +
  10. Then, select the desired block item.
Block Items: Different elements that you can use to build out reports; there are three options within our reporting platform.
1. Data Blocks: Provide different data; current options include tables, pie charts, bar charts, and line charts.

2. Branding Blocks: Allow you the ability to personalize your reports; current options include company branding or other images

3. Layout Blocks: help you make sure the report is formatted as you wish; current options include text, dividers, and spacing options
Follow along with advanced block training here.
Note: Including an excessive number of blocks may hinder the performance of the report.
  1. Continue to customize your report as necessary, selecting the done check mark once complete
  2. Set the report parameters and select Run to view your custom report
Next, we would recommend reviewing - Exporting Data

How did we do?

Reporting - Exporting Data
