Table of Contents
Signing a Document
This tutorial will walk you through the signature flow for forms custom-made by Healthy Roster.

by Amelia Boyer
Signing a Document
Please note that the steps below correlate with previous custom form packaging, we no longer offer custom built forms but provide tutorials for customers who are still using their custom form package. If you are building within the new form builder in your own site please visit: Form Builder - Understanding Signatures
Video Tutorial - Completing and Signing A Document on the App:
Step-By-Step Tutorial - (Web)
After you've been assigned a document that you need to sign, open Healthy Roster, log in, and then follow these steps.
- Go to the Athlete’s profile page and select the Documents box at the top of the screen

- Hover your cursor over the icon next to the document you wish to sign
- You will see the option to “Sign Now” or “Request Signature”
- Click Sign Now
- Choose the signee’s role
- Type in signee’s name
- Select a signature appearance
- Click “I Agree”
- Click on the orange arrow that says Sign Here each time it appears (make sure to read the document as you sign it to understand what you are signing)
- Click "Done Signing.”
If the document you are signing requires a second signature, such as an athlete, doctor or additional parent, you have the ability to have them digitally sign this same document even if they don't have a Healthy Roster account.

- Follow Steps 1-3 above
- Click Request Signature.
- Select signee’s role
- Type in signee’s name
- Enter signee’s email address (can be parent email address if athlete is under 18)
- Click "Request Signature”
- The signature request will be sent in an email with a four digit code to sign the document, so there is no need to log back into Healthy Roster to complete the digital signature.
Step-By-Step Tutorial - (App)
- Log in to your Healthy Roster App and select the athlete you need complete to a form for
- Click on “documents”
- Tap on a document from the missing documents section or click the “+” sign to choose another Document from the list
- Enter your "Name" and "Date of Birth" if this has not already been prepopulated and select “Review Document & Sign”
- The form will now appear, select “Next Signature” to be taken to the signature or select “Click to sign as Patient” on the form
- You will then be prompted to enter your name and signature. Once complete, select “I Agree”.
If another signature is required for the document to be completed, select “Send for Signature". Enter the desired "Signer Name" and corresponding "Signer Email" followed by "Send Signature Request"

- Next select the permissions for the document: who can/cannot access this document. Tap on “Save” in the top right.
By default, all members of the athlete’s Care Circle will have access as long as they can see the Documents tab.

- The document will now contain your signature and will appear as a PDF on the Document tab. If the Form requires Review/Approval by the Athletic Trainer, it may not appear until it is approved.
Step-By-Step Tutorial - Email Signature Request:
You may have received an email requesting you to sign a document, this tutorial will detail the steps to input the code and sign the document
- Open the signature request email
- Copy the code on the email
- Select the link in the email to view the document
- Enter the 4-digit code and select Submit
- You will then need to input your name, select the role of the person signing and select I agree
- Next place your signatures on the document as necessary
- When complete select done signing
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How to Remove a Document