Datalys - Submitting to Datalys

Updated by Niki Budd

Datalys - Submitting to Datalys - 2.0

Video Tutorial:

Coming soon!

Step-By-Step Tutorial
  1. Log in to your Healthy Roster Account and select the admin tab
  2. Next select Datalys
  3. Next select Submissions
  4. Now select Add
  5. Input the desired date range
  6. Now you will see your submissions

Datalys - Submitting to Datalys - Legacy

Step-By-Step Tutorial
  1. Log in to your Healthy Roster Account and click on the "Datalys" tab on your left navigation bar
  1. From the submissions tab you will next select "Create New Submission"
  1. Under "New Datalys Export Job" you will want to edit the dates you are wishing to submit to Datalys. Once you have selected your desired dates, select "Submit Data To Datalys"

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