Table of Contents
Inbound Services - Set Up and Scheduling
This tutorial will explain inbound services and setting up and scheduling one.
by Niki Budd
Inbound Services - Set Up and Scheduling
An inbound service is a way to notify a provider user within Healthy Roster that a follow up service was created for a patient. This association will then notify the provider of follow-up creation if you select to send them a notification.
Video Tutorial:
Set up - Step-By-Step:
- Select your admin tab
- Select Referrals
- Select Healthcare Organizations
- Select the three dots to the right of the Healthcare Organization and select Providers
- The Providers for this Organization will now show. To associate a user to the provider select the three dots and Users
- Select Add
- Select the available Provider User and select if you'd like them to get notifications when a patient is scheduled with this provider
- Select OK
Scheduling an Inbound Service How-To Video Tutorial:
Scheduling Step-By-Step:
- Navigate to your patient's profile and select Referrals
- Select Referrals
- Select Add
- Input the information for your service
- To send a notification to the associated provider user select Send Notification To Doctor
- Complete the input of your referral and select Save
- The associated provider user will now receive notification of the scheduled referral
How did we do?
How to Add Encounter Service Types
Customizing Follow Up Services