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Inbound Services - Set Up and Scheduling

This tutorial will explain inbound services and setting up and scheduling one.

Niki Budd
Updated by Niki Budd

Inbound Services - Set Up and Scheduling

An inbound service is a way to notify a provider user within Healthy Roster that a follow up service was created for a patient. This association will then notify the provider of follow-up creation if you select to send them a notification.
Video Tutorial:

00:00: Hi this is Nikki from healthy roster and this tutorial is going to show you how to set up or associate a provider user for an inbound service an inbound service Associates a provider user to a provider when a follow-up service is completed this Association will then notify the provider of a follow-up creation if you have selected to send them a notification 00:21: To begin select your admin tab 00:24: Now select referrals 00:27: Click on Healthcare organizations 00:30: Your Healthcare organizations will now show select the three dots to the right of the healthcare organization you wish to associate a provider user to a provider with 00:40: Now select providers 00:43: Now you're available providers for this Healthcare organization will show select the three dots to the right of the provider and select users 00:51: Now select add 00:54: You're available provider users will now show check the box for the user you'd like to associate and also check the box if you'd like them to receive notifications when someone has scheduled a patient with this provider 01:06: Click ok to associate this provider user with this provider 01:11: If you have questions or need more help please visit the help tab on your left navigation or reach us directly at

Set up - Step-By-Step:
  1. Select your admin tab
  2. Select Referrals
  3. Select Healthcare Organizations
  4. Select the three dots to the right of the Healthcare Organization and select Providers
  5. The Providers for this Organization will now show. To associate a user to the provider select the three dots and Users
  6. Select Add
  7. Select the available Provider User and select if you'd like them to get notifications when a patient is scheduled with this provider
  8. Select OK
Scheduling an Inbound Service How-To Video Tutorial:

00:00: Hi this is Nikki from healthy roster and this tutorial is going to show you the second component of scheduling inbound services by now you should have Associated your provider users to a provider that sits within a healthcare organization 00:15: We will begin on a patient's profile select referrals 00:19: Now select add 00:22: Now input the details for your referral your Healthcare organization you're referred to this is the provider referred on and status 00:31: If you are scheduling this referral for provider user that's associated to the referred to provider you will want to check the box to send a notification to the doctor this in fact does not send the notification to the doctor it sends it to the associated provider user 00:50: Complete the rest of your follow-up service and select save 00:54: The provider if notifications are enabled will now receive a notification of the scheduled follow-up service 01:01: If you have questions or need more help please visit the help tab on your left navigation or reach us directly at

Scheduling Step-By-Step:
  1. Navigate to your patient's profile and select Referrals
  2. Select Referrals
  3. Select Add
  4. Input the information for your service
  5. To send a notification to the associated provider user select Send Notification To Doctor
  6. Complete the input of your referral and select Save
  7. The associated provider user will now receive notification of the scheduled referral

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