Creating An Encounter/Treatment

Updated by Niki Budd

Creating An Encounter - 2.0

Please Note: Terminology is different based on your setting. For example; a setting may use Organization as Location, Patient instead of Athlete, Encounters instead of Treatment, or Problems instead of Injuries - but the steps are still the same.
Video Tutorial (Web) - Athlete Tab

00:01: Hi this is Niki from Healthy Roster and this tutorial is going to show you how to create an encounter through the patient profile 00:09: From the patient profile select encounters 00:14: To add a new encounter select add 00:18: Now you will enter your encounter information you may have required background questions in my example I do not you will also want to link whether this is problem related or not problem-related check the box if this is a non-problem related encounter or you can hit the plus button to add a new or link an existing problem as well 00:39: Now you will select the plus button to add the services that you've completed during this encounter you can select multiple Services per encounter 00:49: So let's say when you're completed with your encounter 00:52: If you have questions or need more help please visit the help tab on your left navigation or reach us directly at

Step-By-Step Tutorial (Web) - Athlete Tab
  1. Navigate to the patient profile
  2. Click Encounters
  3. Select Add if entering a new encounter, or, select the three dots to the right of the encounter you wish to duplicate and select Duplicate
  4. Input the details of the encounter
  5. Answer any required or non required background questions
  6. Associate a problem or mark as Non Problem Related
  7. Add Performed Services
  8. Add Notes if desired
  9. Add Attachments if desired
  10. Select Save

00:00: Hi this is Niki from healthy roster and this tutorial is going to show you how to create an encounter using the global search feature 00:09: To begin open your Global search you can simply click on the global search feature on the top right corner of your screen or to remain on your keyboard key and backslash 00:19: Now type in your patient's name in the global search box 00:23: Collect the three dots the right of the patient you wish to add an encounter for 00:28: Now select create counter 00:31: Enter the necessary information for your encounter you will then select if it is non-problem related or if it is problem related if it is problem related you can select the plus button to add a new or Link in existing problem 00:46: Now select the plus button to add services that you've completed during your encounter you can add multiple Services per encounter 00:54: Once complete select save 00:57: If you have questions or need more help please visit the help tab on your left navigation or be just directly at

Step-By-Step Tutorial (Web) - Global Search
  1. Type the patient's name in the global search
  2. Select the three dots to the right of the patient's name
  3. Select Create Encounter
  4. Enter encounter details
  5. Select Save
Video Tutorial (Web) - Injury Timeline

00:00: Hi this is Niki from Healthy Roster in this tutorial is going to show you how to create an encounter from your patient's problem timeline 00:08: You will begin on a patient's problem timeline 00:11: To add to the timeline select add 00:14: Now select add counter 00:17: You will then enter the necessary information for your encounter please note because you're working off of the problem timeline the problem is already Associated to this encounter next select the add button to add your services you can add multiple Services per encounter 00:33: Click OK when you're encounter is complete 00:38: If you have questions or need more help please visit the help tab on your left navigation or reach us directly at help at

Step-By-Step Tutorial (Web) - Injury Timeline
  1. Navigate to the patient's Injury Timeline
  2. Select Add
  3. Select Add Encounter
  4. Enter encounter details
Note: when you navigate this route, the injury will autopull to the encounter
  1. Select Save

Video Tutorial - Adding an Encounter (App)

00:00: Hi this is Nikki from healthy roster this tutorial is going to show you how to add a referral service for a patient on the app 00:08: To begin navigate to your patient profile then select encounters 00:13: Once on the encounters tab select the plus button to add a new encounter 00:18: Once you've input the information for your encounter details scroll back to the top of the page and select save 00:25: If you have questions or need more help please visit the help tab on the left navigation or reach us directly at help pet

Step-By-Step Tutorial - Adding an Encounter (App)
  1. Navigate to the patient profile
  2. Select Encounters
  3. Select + to add a new encounter
  4. Input encounter details and select Save to add the encounter

Creating A Treatment - Legacy

Please Note: Terminology is different based on your setting, for example, a clinical setting uses Care Group as Organizations, Patient instead of Athlete, and Visits instead of Treatment, lastly Problems instead of Injuries but the steps are still the same.
Video Tutorial (Web)
Step-By-Step Tutorial (Web)
  1. Log in to Healthy Roster, and locate the athlete profile through the Global Search or through the Organizations tab
  2. Click the + next to athlete's name and select Add Treatment
  3. Enter all of the appropriate information and notes for the treatment
  4. Click Save Treatment
Video Tutorial (App)
Step-By-Step Tutorial (App)
  1. Log in to the Healthy Roster app and locate the athlete profile
    App Step 2.png
  2. Select Treatments
  3. Click the + in the upper right hand corner
    App Step 3.png
  4. Enter the treatment details
  5. Click Save in the upper right hand corner
App Step 5.png

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