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Understanding the Problem Timeline

This tutorial will review the problem timeline and the actions that can be completed on the timeline.

Niki Budd
Updated by Niki Budd

Understanding The Problem Timeline

Once you have a problem created, you can review a problem from start to finish on the timeline and document rather than navigate from tab to tab. The timeline will house the Problem, Incident Report, Encounters, Status Updates, and Referrals, as well as all the notes/attachments associated; however, keep in mind that user access will dictate what each user can view.

Video Tutorial:

00:00: Hi, this is Nikki from healthy roster. And this tutorial is going to walk you through the problem timeline and how to better understand its functionality first. Let's review how to add to the timeline. 00:10: Navigate to your patient profile you will automatically be routed to the problem timeline but you can also select problems 00:19: You will then select the problem in which you would like to add to 00:24: Now that you're on the problem timeline select ad 00:29: You will now notice from the problem timeline that you are able to add and Encounter, a Status Update, or a Referral, as well as edit the incident report. For this problem I am going to add a status update. 00:42: You'll be prompted to input the necessary information for the item you've added 00:48: When you're ready to save this item so that's okay 00:52: Now let's review exporting the timeline. 00:55: You can now export your timeline as is or if you'd rather you can exclude items by selecting sort options 01:04: To exclude items from your timeline uncheck them independently. You can also decide if you'd like this information to be presented in a ascending or descending fashion. 01:15: To export your timeline, select the Export Timeline icon. A PDF rendering of the timeline will now download to your browser. 01:24: If at any point in time, you'd like to edit something on the timeline you're also able to do. So, let's review how 01:29: Select the three dots to the right of the item you'd like to edit. 01:33: Select edit 01:36: Edit the item as appropriate and select okay. 01:39: Your edit will now show on the timeline as appropriate. 01:42: Now let's review how to view notes or attachments that are on the problem timeline. 01:47: You will see my instant report here has two notes Associated selecting two notes will open the notes for viewing. 01:54: Here you will see my note has opened on the problem timeline. 01:58: Following the same action as if you are reviewing the notes if you'd like to view attachments select the attachment icon. 02:04: Here you will see my attachment was actually from the resource Library. It is a link if I click on this it will open me directly to the desired link. 02:12: If you have questions or need more help please visit the help tab on your left navigation or reaches directly at

Adding to the Timeline

  1. Navigate to the patient's Problem tab and click on a specific problem to access the Problem Timeline
  2. Select Add
  3. Select which item you'd like to add
  4. The problem will automatically link to the item you are adding. Once complete select OK

Exporting the Timeline

  1. Navigate to the patient's problem tab and click on a specific problem to access the Problem Timeline
  2. Select Export Timeline
  3. Your timeline export will then be in your downloads

Sorting your Timeline

  1. Navigate to the patient's problem tab and click on a specific problem to access the Problem Timeline
  2. Select the Sort Options icon
  3. Check/Uncheck the items you wish to view on the timeline
Please Note: you can filter the timeline and export the filtered timeline as well
  1. To clear the filters, select the Clear Filters icon

Editing on the Timeline

  1. To edit anything on the timeline select the three dots to the right of the component
  2. Select Edit

Viewing Notes/Attachments on the Timeline

If a note/attachment is linked to the problem you will see it on the timeline

  1. Navigate to the Problem Timeline and click on the item you wish to view

Viewing/Adding to the Problem Timeline - App

Video Tutorial:

00:00: Hi, this is Nikki from healthy roster. This tutorial is going to show you how to access the problem timeline and edit or view information on that problem timeline on the patient profile within the app. 00:13: The problem timeline is a location where you can see a problem and its progress from start to finish. From the patient profile select the problem in question, you will then see the timeline and everything that's been Associated to that specific problem to add to the timeline. It will be the same no matter the entity you are adding select the plus button lets assume I'm adding a status update. 00:34: You will now see my updated status at the top of my problem timeline. It is good practice to work off of the problem timeline when documenting on the app or the web. The reason being it will save you time by already including the problem when you're creating things such as encounters referrals or incidents. 00:50: If you have questions or need more help, please visit the help tab on the left navigation or reach us directly at help at healthy

Step-By-Step Tutorial:
  1. From the patient profile, select the problem you wish to view
  2. The timeline will now show, this will house all tracked entities for this specific problem
  3. To add to the timeline, select +
  4. Enter the information for the given entity you've chosen to add and select save. You will then be routed back to the timeline.

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Adding Additional Notes To Current Incident Reports

Adding Problems & Incident Reports
