Table of Contents
Note Templates - Tips & Tricks
Check out the note template tips & tricks here.

by Niki Budd
Note Templates - Tips & Tricks
To create a Note Template, follow along here: Create a Note Template
If you would like to reference a mark-down cheat sheet, visit this website:
Video Tutorial:
Autofill Section Explained:
By typing in “Ctrl+.” you will be able to build in your template fillable prompts. When a provider user uses the template, the answers to these fields will automatically be completed if the information already exists in Healthy Roster. If any of these fields can’t be mapped to existing information, the provider user will be asked to fill it in.
- User: means whoever is logged in when using the template. If you have multiple provider users, these fields will autofill their information into the documentation.
- Patient refers to the person who is being documented.
- Incident Report, Encounter, and Referral: refer to data already entered for the specific entry type the template is used on. For example, if this template is used for an Encounter, you may want to include the Encounter Date in the template so it’s autofilled in the documentation.
- Background Questions: will fill in the answer for the selected background question(s) so that providers can include these details in the Note itself and in the Background Question section without having to do double entry. As long as the provider user has answered the background questions before using the Note Template, these fields can be auto-populated.
- My Email, My Name, and Signature are specific to the person who is creating the note template. These are great for if you are a commonly used contact or if you are the primary person using the template, but if you have more than one person using the template, you should use the User autofills.

- Once you've selected your autofill you will note the below format

- The Provider will then be able to use the note template for their dictation with all auto-filled fields filled out automatically
Toolbar Explained:
- Bold: Highlight the desired text and click on the B icon. Or denote **INSERT TEXT** to bold your item
- Italicized: Highlight the desired text and click on the I icon. Or denote *INSERT TEXT* to italicize your text
- Strikethrough: Highlight the desired text and click on the S with a line through it icon. Or denote ~~INSERT TEXT~~ to bold your item
- Title: select the title icon or type ## INSERT TEXT to add a title
- Add a Link: select the link option, input your linke [INSER TITLE OF URL HERE](INSERT URL LINK HERE)
- Insert a Quote: select the " icon and type your quote
- Insert Header: to insert a header line insert ---------- or hit the HR button
- Ordered List: Select the ordered list icon or begin by typing 1.
- Unordered List: Select the unordered list icon or begin by typing -
Tip: If you need a sub-item select enter and your spacebar 2 times

- Image: Select the image icon and input your link - 
- Edit Code: Selecting this view allows you to view only the editable code for your template
- Live Code: Selecting this view allows you to view both the code that you've wrote as well as the preview that the end user will see
- Preview Code: Selecting this view allows you to view only the preview of the code you've written
- Full Screen: Selecting this view allows you to edit/preview your code from a full screen. Selecting the full screen icon will take you in and out of this view
How did we do?
Using an Existing Note Template