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Training Terminology

Understanding Healthy Roster terminology.

Niki Budd
Updated by Niki Budd

Training Terminology

In training content, we use a standardized “default” set of terminology that more closely matches general healthcare system terminology:

Video Tutorial:

00:00: Hi this is Nikki from healthy roster and this tutorial is going to better help you understand the terminology that we use throughout healthy roster in our training content we will use standardized or default terminology this will closely match General Healthcare organizations you may see different terms in your platform based on your setting rest assured all functionality will match no matter the term let's review our standard default terminology 00:25: You will often hear us refer to organizations organizations should be considered the top tier of the hierarchy occupational users may see employers colleges May often see teams 00:37: If you would then like to further break down your organization you can do so with teams in the occupational setting you might see departments whereas the college might see units a good example to think of here is when you have a high school the high school is the organization and each independent team would then be their own team and healthy roster all patients reside in the organization but can further be assigned to teams 00:59: Let's review all of the tabs and terms under the organization itself 01:04: First let's discuss active problems you might see injuries here your active problems tab will be listed and organized by problem you might see a patient listed here more than once if they do have more than one problem this page is also able to be exported as a status report and it does house instantaneous data 01:23: Now let's review the patient status tab this is organized by patient so if the patient has more than one problem do know they will only show up once on this tab 01:33: Next you will see patients this tab will allow you the ability to see all of your patients within this organization regardless of their status patients in your setting might be referred to as employees or athletes 01:46: Next you will see the encounters tab in general encounters should be thought of as the items or actions that are provided to the patient from the provider in this tab particular you will see all encounters that have been created for this organization but know you are also able to create encounters on the independent patient tab oftentimes you will hear encounters referred to as treatments 02:08: Next you will see teams again teams should be thought of as a subcategory to the organization all teams for this organization will then be listed here 02:17: Next you will see events events should be thought of as tracking events for your organization but know you can also create them for independent teams 02:26: If your account has purchased surveys you will then see this next tab surveys are intended to deliver a document to a user via email or text they can then have actions created off of them based off of the document completion 02:39: Next you will see manage users for the organization users assigned at this level will have access to all patients within the organization at their own specific level there are a few caveats one when you created your patient profiles if you've selected that you've been granted access to share Phi two when you created the organizational level user if you granted them access to be an org admin or three if the primary user or legal guardian has granted access to the non-admin org user and you have not granted access to share Phi do know that teams will also have their own manage users access 03:15: Heritage access will insinuate those that have access to the organization because they've been granted access at a higher level this access may not be changed most often this is going to be your providers 03:27: Tab is to assign athletic trainers to the specific organization 03:31: Is the details tab this is a location where you can update the details for this organization 03:37: The last tab is your import history this tab allows you to view the details roll back and import or download a previous import if you so choose 03:48: Now let's review the tabs in terms associated with the patient profile first you will see problems problems are to be thought of as perhaps the injury navigating to the problems tab will allow you the ability to report a new problem as well as navigate to the problem timeline 04:05: Next you will see incident reports incident reports should be thought of as the location where the provider will complete their provider specific documentation or soap note it is also commonly referred to as an ESI report 04:18: Next is the referrals tab referrals should be thought of as those items that you are sending your patient out for follow-up Services is another common term 04:27: Next you will see the patient's encounter tab encounters should again be thought of as the items or actions that are being provided to a patient via the provider 04:37: The next tab will be documents this document tab will show all of the documents completed for this patient profile as well as those that are still assigned and awaiting you can also add new documents from this tab 04:48: Also be able to click on organizations and teams for this patient your patient will then show what organizations they reside in as well as the teams they are able to reside in multiple organizations as well as multiple teams 05:00: Next you will see the patient's detail tab this tab will allow you the ability to view or edit patient details contact information insurance information medical history as well as emergency contact information 05:13: Next you will see the manage users tab for this patient profile from here you will be able to see direct access and inherited access for the specific patient as well as pending invitations you can also add and remove users from the standpoint 05:26: If you have questions or need more help please visit the help tab on your left navigation or reach us directly at

Default Terminology

What You May See in Your Environment


Athlete, Employee


Athletic Trainer

Team Manager

Coach, Department Head


Employers, Team (College/University Setting)


Department, Unit (College/University Setting)



Incident Report

ESI Report


Follow Up Service





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