Existing Reports vs Legacy Reports

Existing Reports vs. Legacy Reports Review

Niki Budd
Updated by Niki Budd

Existing Reports vs Legacy Reports

We've provided you with our most common reports as default in 2.0; you will see the commonalities between the two reporting platforms below.

Would you like to modify an existing report? Follow along with: 2.0 Reporting - Modifying an Existing Report

2.0 Default Reports
Legacy Frequently Used Reports

Emergency Contacts

Emergency Contacts (By Organization), Emergency Contacts (By Team)

Encounter Costs

Treatment Costs (By Organization)

Incident Log*

Injury Log

Insurance Submissions Report

Suspended Insurance Data Submissions Report

Manager Report

Manager Report

Medical Details

Medical Details Report

Problem Log*


Provider Engagement Report

Provider Engagement Report

Simple Encounter Log

Simple Treatment Log

Simple Referral Log

Simple Follow Up Service Log (By Provider), Simple Follow Up Service Log (By Organization)

User Access Audit

User Access Audit

*Incident Log uses the Incident Report data source, so it will show any problems that are associated with incident reports + all background questions
*Problem Log uses the Problems & Injuries data source, so it will show all problems regardless of if they’re associated with an incident report; does not include background questions

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Reporting - Tips & Tricks

Modifying an Existing Report
