Available Form Templates
Understanding what form template options are available.

Available Form Builder Templates
Within the form builder we have created standard forms that you can further customize to suit your needs with the hope of speeding up the creation of your forms. These forms are available to provider users as a template.
NAIA Official Student Consent Form:
NAIA drug testing consent form
Affidavit of Parental Consent for Student Athlete to Compete Required Documents on their Behalf
Parent/Legal Guardian document intended to release the parent from signing all required document with Student Athlete at the same time
Athletic Insurance Questionnaire
Student Athlete Insurance Information
AUDIT Alcohol Screening Tool
The AUDIT (Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test) is an effective and reliable screening tool for detecting risky and harmful drinking patterns
ADHD Medical Exceptions Notifications Form
The NCAA Medical Exception Documentation Reporting Form to Support the Diagnosis of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and Treatment with Banned Stimulant Medication.
Assumption of Risk
This form is an assumption of risk, release, and waiver of liability, and consent is used for participants in athletics.
Authorization to Obtain & Release Medical Information
This form is used to receive authorization to obtain and release medical information.
Combined Medical History-Incoming/Returner
Medical History document that is specific to subset groups in one document. Returners will complete the “Returning Student Athlete Physical” and incoming athletes will complete the “Incoming Detailed Medical History”
Concussion Awareness Form
Information for Student-Athletes and Parent/Guardians. Contains educational info and allows both athlete and parent/guardian to sign in agreement to show that they have received and agree to the information.
Consent to Treat
The consent to treat form gives providers permission to treat their child when he or she is in someone else's care.
Detailed Student Athlete Medical History Questionnaire
A comprehensive medical history questionnaire, intended for initial intake of medical history.
HIPAA Release Form
This form is used to obtain consent from a patient before their protected health information can be shared for non-standard purposes
2023 NCAA Concussion Fact Sheet for Student Athletes
Fact Sheet for Student Athletes to read and sign
NCAA Sickle Cell Trait Fact Sheet (2024)
NCAA Sickle Cell Trait Fact Sheet
Insurance Information
Collection of Insurance Information
Preparticipation Physical Evaluation
Preparticipation Physical Evaluation with biometric, vision, MSK, and Medical Review. To be completed via Physician.
Returning Student Athlete Physical
This form is to be with returning student-athletes who are required to complete a Medical History Update Form.
Sickle Cell Information and Documentation
NCAA Sickle Cell Trait Testing Information Form - allows students to request one of 3 options: 1) Sickle Cell Trait Testing 2) Agree to Provide Proof of Prior Testing 3) Elect to Not Proceed with testing
Student-Athlete Demographics & Emergency Contact Form
This template gathers basic information of the student-athlete which includes address, medical insurance information, and emergency contact information.
Substance Abuse/Misuse and Consent to Drug Testing
The purpose of this document is to acknowledge drug education training and outline consent to drug testing
A.D.I.M.E Note
RD and RDN standard dictation. Document is intended to ensure high quality care to patients and clients with nutritional needs.
General Screening Index
This template gathers information about a student-athlete's mental well-being.
Return-To-Play Daily Progression
Daily documentation for concussion return to play monitoring
Wellness Survey
Universal Wellness Survey - checking everything wellness for inside and outside school and sports
Cranial Nerve Testing
Standard recording of Cranial Nerve Testing for providers
Daily concussion Symptom checklist
Daily symptom checklist, follows SCAT5 checklist (with calculated values)
Patient Reported Outcomes:
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