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Building a Form Using a Template

This tutorial will walk you through how to build a custom form using a pre-existing template.

Niki Budd
Updated by Niki Budd

How to Build a Custom Form Using a Pre-Existing Template

Video Tutorial:

00:00: Hi, this is Nikki from healthy roster. And this tutorial is going to walk you through building a form using one of our available templates within the form Builder. The form Builder denotes. So this is an admin only feature or an admin provider feature. 00:14: From the documents tab select forms to add a new form select add. 00:19: Now you'll be able to view our form template Gallery here. You will see all the forms that we have as templates within our system. Click on the item you'd like to use. 00:29: Now what you will name your form give it a name that is custom to your group as well as a description. 00:35: Now we recommend reviewing what has already been created within this template make alterations as necessary. Here you will see I need to edit enter your organ name here. I'm going to do so by selecting the edit dial. 00:50: Where within the content that you see enter your org name here, you will highlight that section and type in your appropriate organization. 00:59: Once you have made edits to the content select save to save the edits that you've made. 01:04: Review editing a required field here. You will see patient's name has a red asterisk this denotes that this was set as a required item to edit that select the edit dial. 01:15: Validation 01:18: And then check or uncheck the box for requirement. 01:22: Making sure you select save after the edits that you've completed. 01:26: Now to really customize this form template. Let's add a custom logo select Advanced on the form components. 01:33: Now drag and drop the formatted option to the right location on your form template. 01:39: Select Row 1 in the content section and delete this information. 01:44: Now you will insert the HTML image link code. Where you see enter image link here is where you will insert your specific link code. 01:54: Once you've input your image address in the right location, the preview will show your logo input select save to add this to your template. 02:03: Once you've reviewed and manipulated the form template to suit your needs select save. 02:09: The guide covered creating a form in Healthyroster for employee training purposes. From adding consent statements to setting validation rules, you now have a comprehensive overview of building forms efficiently in the application.

Step-By-Step Tutorial:
  1. Navigate to the document tab
  2. Select Forms
  3. Select Add
  4. Select an available template
  5. Provide your form with a name and description.
  6. Next, you will want to review what has already been created in the template and make alterations as necessary.
  7. On all templates, you will want to search and find **Enter Orgs Name Here** to your Organization name. To edit the text select the small edit button in the top left corner of the desired field and edit the text appropriately. Select Save.
  8. Select Save to save adjustments
  9. When you see a red asterisk next to a prepopulated field, that will denote required information. To review/edit select the small edit button in the top left corner of the desired field, you will want to review Display, Data, and Validation prior to selecting Save.
  10. Select Save
  11. To add a logo to the document you will need to select from the toolbar: Advanced
  12. Drag and drop Formatted Content to the desired location. Input the HTML code into the content box and select Save.
    Use this HTML set up for your image link: <center><img src="ENTER IMAGE LINK HERE" alt="Trulli" width="200" height="150"></center>
    How to get the Image Link: Internet search your logo, right click, select : Copy Image Address, paste it into the link above.
    Adjust the width and height of your image to get the best image
  13. Save your form once complete

How did we do?

Choosing A Form Template

Form Builder Editing Tools
