Uploading A Document (Web)

Updated by Lindsey Puent

How to Upload a Document on the Web - 2.0

The Healthy Roster platform enables users to upload documents or even scan a document right into their account. In this tutorial, we'll cover how to upload or scan a new document into the website.

Video Tutorial - 2.0


Step-By-Step Tutorial - 2.0
  1. Navigate to the athlete's profile. This can be done by first navigating to the appropriate Organization and clicking on the athlete that you wish to upload a document for.
  2. Click on ‘Documents’ from the athlete's left navigation bar.
  3. Your Missing Documents will populate at the top of the screen. Click on the Document Type you would like to upload a file for. If you do not see the document type listed at the top of the screen, you may click 'Add' in the upper right hand corner.
    • Select your Document Type from the drop down menu.
  4. Click or drag your file into this section to upload a file.
  5. Edit the Document Details as needed. This can include an expiration date, who can access this document, and any notes you may want regarding the document. Select OK to save/submit your document type.

How to Upload a Document on the Web - Legacy

The Healthy Roster platform enables users to upload documents or even scan a document right into their account. In this tutorial, we'll cover how to upload or scan a new document into the website.

Video Tutorial - Legacy

Step-By-Step Tutorial - Legacy
  1. Scroll down on the home page to view athletes
  2. Click on the athlete you wish to upload a document for.
  3. Click on ‘Documents’
  4. Your Missing Documents will populate at the top of the screen. Click on the Document Type you would like to upload a file for. Then, click ‘Select File’.
    • You can also hover over the blue paper icon and click ‘Upload A File’.
      Capture 1.PNG
  5. Select the appropriate file from your computer and click ‘Add Attachment’. The file will then be uploaded.
Capture 3.PNG

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