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Using an Existing Note Template

This tutorial explains working within an existing note template.

Niki Budd
Updated by Niki Budd

Using an Existing Note Template

Note templates are intended to make the provider's dictation faster, and they can range from detailed to very basic and are ultimately intended to be manipulated by the provider for the need in front of them. There are a few ways that you can manipulate your note templates and make them work for you.

Video Tutorial:

00:00: Hi this is Niki from Healthy Roster and this tutorial is going to walk you through how to manipulate an existing note template 00:08: There are three options to insert a note template 00:12: The first option is to select template icon in the upper right hand corner of the add note section 00:18: Once you've selected the template icon, your available templates will show. /pause/ "Click on the Note you'd like to input to insert your template 00:26: Option 2 allows you the ability to use a token menu to input your template. To use the token menu in the text box type in "control + ." 00:37: The token menu will now be visible select templates 00:41: Now select your desired template. Once you select this it will be visible in your add note section 00:47: Option 3 allows you the ability to type in the quick phrase associated with your note template. To do so, type in your quick-phrase and your note template will populate 00:58: Another way you can manipulate your current note template is to enter items from the token menu the token menu will hold information that stored on the patient profile or the user's information as well as background questions special tests and more 01:13: To insert an item from the token menu click where you'd like the item to be inserted then on your keyboard, type in "control + ." 01:23: The token menu will now populate select the item you'd like to input 01:29: Once you select the item you wish to input from your token menu you will now see it populate within your note 01:35: Another option you might want to manipulate in your current note template is by inputting special tests. There are three separate options to input special tests 01:45: To begin click the area that you'd like your special test input 01:50: Option one for inputting special tests is simply to select the special test icon on the toolbar 01:57: A modal box will now populate to insert special tests once you're happy with your special test select okay to insert it to the template 02:05: The second option to input special test into your Note is to use the token menu to open the token menu click where you would like the information to be input and type in control dot on your keyboard 02:19: Now that your token menu has populated click on special tests 02:25: Complete the selection and input of your special test when you're ready to add them to your note select ok 02:31: The third option to input special tests within your note it's a type in the item's token type in {st} or {specialtest} within your note template 02:45: The modal box will now populate and you can complete your special test selection and input select OK when you're ready to insert them to your template 02:53: For more help or if you have questions please visit the help tab on your left navigation or reach us directly at

Step-By-Step Tutorial:

Inserting a template:
  1. Using the template Icon
    1. Select the Template icon
    2. Select the template you'd like to insert by clicking on the template name
    3. You then can begin to edit your template and add to your note

  1. Using the Token Menu
    1. In your note box, type "control" + "." to open the token menu
    2. Select Templates from the menu and select the template you'd like to use
    3. You then can begin to edit your template and add to your note
  2. Inserting Quick Phrase:
    1. If your note templates have a quick phrase, you can simply begin to type the quick phrase in your note section, and the template will populate
    2. You then can begin to edit your template and add to your note
Inserting Token Menu Item:
  1. In the text area hold "control" and type at the same time "." to open the token menu
  2. You can then select to add anything from the token menu to your template
Inserting Special Tests
  1. Selecting the Icon:
    1. On the note toolbar you can select the special test icon
    2. A modal box will then open to select your special tests
    3. Select OK when you are ready to input your special tests into your note

  1. Using the token menu
    1. Within the area, you'd like your special tests added, hold "control" and type at the same time "." to open the token menu
    2. Select Special Test
    3. A modal box will then open to select your special tests
    4. Select OK when you are ready to input your special tests into your note

  1. Keying in the code
    1. Within the area you'd like your special tests added, type {st} or {specialtest}; this will open the modal box to select your special tests
    2. Select OK when you are ready to input your special tests into your note

How did we do?

Selecting a Note Type

Note Templates - Tips & Tricks
