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How to Review and Approve Pending Encounters (iOS and Android)

This article will review and approve pending encounters/treatments (iOS and Android).

Amelia Boyer
Updated by Amelia Boyer

How to Review and Approve Pending Encounters / Visits (iOS and Android)

All encounters entered in Kiosk Mode need to be approved. On the same screen where Kiosk Mode was started, there is a feature called "Review Encounters" Go to this area to approve all of the encounters that were entered in Kiosk Mode. You can assign them to problems, make edits and approve them.

We do this in case the patient enters the wrong info, gets it wrong, or simply picks the wrong encounter.

Please Note: Terminology is different based on your setting, for example, a clinical setting uses Care Group as Organizations, Patient instead of Athlete, and Visits instead of Treatment, lastly Problems instead of Injuries, but the steps are still the same.

Video Tutorial

00:00: Hi, this is Nikki from healthy roster in this tutorial will show you how to review and approve pending encounters encounters completed within kiosk mode will not show on the patient profile until the provider reviews and approves them. Let's jump in. 00:14: The provider that launched kiosk mode will need to be the provider that reviews and improves the encounters to do so log into the app and select settings. 00:24: Now select pending encounters 00:28: You will now see a listing of all encounters that need to be reviewed and approved below each patient encounter. You will see the details such as location body part and the encounter that they've selected. 00:41: To quickly approve swipe the patient encounter to the left and select approve. 00:48: To quickly reject swipe the patient encounter to the left and select reject. 00:55: Now you will swipe right and select edit. It will be brought to the encounter itself. You can edit the information such as the details the background questions as well as associate a problem or change or add the different body part. I'm going to associate an existing problem. You then can edit services and add in a note. I'm going to add in that. This is a progress note for my patient and add in my specific progress note. select save once complete 01:32: If you have questions or need more help, please visit the help tab on the left navigation or reach us directly at help at healthy

Step-By-Step Tutorial - Review and Approve Pending Encounters
  1. Log into your Healthy Roster app
  2. Select Settings
  3. Click on Pending Encounters
  4. To approve or reject, quickly swipe to the right and select the appropriate option
  5. To edit, swipe to the right and select Edit
  6. Edit the encounter details, background questions, associate problems, services, notes, or attachments as appropriate
  7. Click “Save”

How did we do?

Kiosk Mode Overview (iOS and Android)

Duplicating an Encounter
