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Survey Action Plan

Creating survey action plans

Niki Budd
Updated by Niki Budd

Creating a Survey Action Plan

Action plans outline a series of tasks and actions to be carried out in response to a completed survey.

Surveys do not have to have an action plan. The provider may review results via the Survey Summary Report. If you wish to be notified of the survey completion, you will need to set an action plan.
There can be multiple action plans per survey
Step-By-Step Video Tutorial:

00:01: Hi, this is Nikki from healthy roster. This tutorial will detail survey 00:05: action plans. Action plans are intended to outline a series of 00:09: tasks and actions to be carried out and response to a completed survey 00:13: tailored to address specific scenarios. 00:19: Here is an example of a survey action plan based on a survey response. 00:23: Imagine the process from this perspective. 00:27: A patient completes the survey the action plan then interprets 00:31: results according to the conditions. 00:33: You've predefined triggering specific tasks and actions 00:37: this workflow ultimately supports the completion of preliminary 00:41: screening for you the provider user. 00:45: To add an action plan to our survey. 00:47: We are first going to select the documents tab on the left navigation. 00:53: Now select surveys 00:57: Select the menu icon to the right of the survey you wish to edit. 01:02: And now select edit. 01:06: If you elected to create a new survey in the action plan at the exact same time, 01:10: you will still navigate to this next stage. 01:13: Here I'm going to select the plus button to add a new action plan. 01:19: A new view will now populate you will begin editing your scenario start 01:23: with a name. 01:25: Now you will want to establish the condition think of the condition as the 01:29: trigger that activates the entire action plan once a survey is completed. 01:35: When setting conditions, it's important to be specific The Prompt refers 01:39: to the component on the form. The next step is to define. 01:42: The variable is is not or is not set in 01:46: this example is not set is used because I'm using a hidden field. 01:51: Hidden fields are often added to form specifically to Trigger action plans. 01:55: For instance. If I want an action plan to activate a pawn form 02:00: completion regardless of what was completed on the form. 02:03: I would want to add a hidden field set the prompt and Define 02:07: the value as is not set as demonstrated here. 02:13: Now, let's assume I want to add another condition. 02:16: I enter my prompt and select my variable as is not and 02:20: now I need to input the value this value must exactly match the one 02:24: that is within the form in order to trigger appropriately. 02:28: Here you will see I have two conditions action plan and how are you because 02:32: and is set between both of them. Both items need to be true in order for 02:36: the action plan to trigger appropriately. 02:40: Now let's say I want to add another condition but I wanted to signify an 02:44: ore relationship. This means that if either of the two conditions above 02:48: or this new one are true the action plan will trigger to 02:52: do this. I again set my prompt then the variable I have set as is 02:56: in this case and I input the value ensuring again. 02:59: It's an exact match with the forms value. 03:04: Once you have set your conditions next you will assign the follow-up tasks 03:08: for the provider these tasks outline the response protocol triggered 03:13: when the survey response meets the conditions defined above you can add as 03:17: many tasks as necessary to ensure a comprehensive action plan. 03:22: Select the plus button to add a task. 03:26: You will then need to select which task you would like to input. 03:29: Let's review each one independently. 03:33: If you add a task, you will have to set an urgency level normal will 03:37: be the default think of this as green. 03:40: Next you have elevated think of this as the yellow light. 03:43: Then you have critical think of this as something that needs immediate 03:47: response. This is the red light. 03:51: One task that you're able to add is to contact the survey recipient this 03:56: provides contact information for the recipient making it easier for 04:00: you the provider to reach out to them here. 04:02: You will see the setup process needs a header and instructions in the 04:06: lower left-hand corner. You will see what this looks like on an action plan to 04:10: the provider user. 04:13: Another item that you're able to add is to attach files. 04:16: This prompts the protocol responder to upload certain files again, 04:20: you will input a header and provide instructions. 04:23: You will see an example of what the end view of this looks like in the lower left-hand 04:27: corner. 04:29: Another option is to view recent results. 04:31: This will prompt the protocol responder to review previous survey results. 04:36: This flow is only a prompt it will not link or pull in the 04:40: previous results for you. 04:43: You can also include a prompt to contact a specific person or group 04:48: this step helps streamline, the referral process and ensures all 04:52: survey responses. Follow a consistent referral pathway. 04:54: It also adds convenience by having the contact information readily available 04:59: at your fingertips. You will see an example in the lower left-hand corner. 05:04: You may also want to add a step to contact the recipient and complete an 05:08: additional form this not only provides. 05:11: The recipient's contact information for easy Outreach but also prompts 05:15: you to complete another form if needed a common example is when a phq-9 05:19: score flags as critical you could have the responder reach out to the patient 05:23: and complete the cssrs for further assessment. 05:28: Choose complete a form 05:31: Another available item to add is to show recipient contact information. 05:35: This provides a protocol responder with the survey recipients 05:39: contact information. You see an example listed below. 05:44: You might also simply want to add basic instructions this provides 05:48: a simple flow for the protocol responder on what tasks they need to perform 05:52: and reference anything else that you feel is necessary an example is 05:56: listed in the lower left-hand corner. 05:59: Now let's move on to adding an action. 06:01: These actions are automatically performed when the survey response 06:06: matches the condition set above let's review. 06:10: To add an action you will select the plus button. 06:14: If you've selected to add an SMS Autumn response message, this 06:18: is a message that will be delivered to the recipient after they've completed the 06:22: survey. Do know if your survey is set to send 06:27: via email and not SMS this email delivery will 06:31: also be sent in the same fashion. 06:35: You are also able to add a problem. This is specifically helpful. 06:38: If you are doing a wellness screen for something general and you'd like the problem 06:42: to be created to flag to the provider user to follow up with this patient and 06:47: their care. 06:50: You're also able to set a survey expiration configure how long the survey 06:54: results will remain valid and for use with survey display links. 06:59: Last but not least if you've selected to trigger a notification this 07:03: creates a notification indicating survey results require attention to the provider 07:08: user. This is helpful. If you'd like to automatically flag and draw attention 07:12: to the provider user that something needs to be reviewed. 07:17: Now that you understand how to add and create an action plan select save 07:22: to save your action plan changes. 07:25: If you have questions or need more help, please visit the help tab on the left navigation 07:29: or reach us directly at help at healthy

Step-By-Step Tutorial:
  1. Select the document tab
  2. Select Surveys
  3. Select the menu icon to the right of the survey you wish to add an action plan to
  4. Select edit
  5. Select + to add an action plan
  6. Name your action plan
  7. Set your condition. The condition will determine when to enact the action plan based on the results of the survey. You can have multiple conditions.
    1. Select Prompt: what component on the form
    2. Select the variable:



      Is: The "is" operator or concept is used to check if two values or references are identical or the same instance.

      Question: How would you rate your headache on a scale of 0-5, you want the survey to alert the provider when headache equals 5

      Is Not: The "is not" operator or concept is used to check if two values or references are not identical or not the same instance.

      Question: How would you rate your headache on a scale of 0-5, You would want the survey to alert you should the patient input anything other than 0.

      Is Not Set: This phrase typically refers to whether a variable has been assigned a value or not. It is used to check if a variable has not been initialized or if it is None

      Example: If you want a survey to always trigger a response to the provider. Hidden fields on the form would be the use case.

  8. Next, set the follow-up tasks for the provider. These tasks define a response protocol when a survey response matches the conditions above. You can set as many Tasks as you like.



Basic Instructions: Provides simple instructions to the protocol responder on what task to perform without needing to reference anything else

  1. Set the Urgency: Dictates the degree of severity of the survey response. Here you can choose Normal, Elevated, or Critical
  1. Input a Header
  2. Provide Instructions

Show Recipient Contact Information: Present the protocol responder with the survey recipient's contact information

  1. Set the Urgency: Dictates the degree of severity of the survey response. Here you can choose Normal, Elevated, or Critical
  1. Input a Header
  2. Provide Instructions

Complete A Form: Prompts the protocol responder to complete a form

  1. Set the Urgency: Dictates the degree of severity of the survey response. Here you can choose Normal, Elevated, or Critical
  1. Input a Header
  2. Provide Instructions
  3. Select Form from drop down

Contact the Recipient and Complete A Form: Provides contact information for the recipient making it easy to reach out to them while prompting the protocol responder to complete a form with feedback from the survey recipient

  1. Set the Urgency: Dictates the degree of severity of the survey response. Here you can choose Normal, Elevated, or Critical
  1. Input a Header
  2. Provide Instructions
  3. Select Form from drop down

Contact A Person or Group: Includes contact details for a resource

  1. Set the Urgency: Dictates the degree of severity of the survey response. Here you can choose Normal, Elevated, or Critical
  1. Input a Header
  2. Provide Instructions
  3. Input contact information for person/group

View Recent Results: Prompts the protocol responder to review previous survey results. Note this flow is only to prompto you to review previous results, not show you previous results.

  1. Set the Urgency: Dictates the degree of severity of the survey response. Here you can choose Normal, Elevated, or Critical
  1. Input a Header
  2. Provide Instructions

Attach Files: Prompts the protocol responder to upload files

  1. Set the Urgency: Dictates the degree of severity of the survey response. Here you can choose Normal, Elevated, or Critical
  1. Input a Header
  2. Provide Instructions

Contact The Survey Recipient: Provides contact information for the recipient making it easy to reach out to them

  1. Set the Urgency: Dictates the degree of severity of the survey response. Here you can choose Normal, Elevated, or Critical
  1. Input a Header
  2. Provide Instructions

  1. Add any Actions by selecting +.These actions are automatically performed when a survey response matches the conditions above



SMS Auto Response: Send a text message back to the recipient with the below content

  1. Input your message

Add Problem: Adds a problem to the recipient's chart

  1. Input a description for the problem
  2. Set the privacy level
  3. Enter problem details

Set Survey Expiration: Configure how long the survey results will remain valid. For use with survey status display links

  1. Input days, hours, and prefered date/time of completion/delivery

Notification: Creates a notification indicating survey results require attention

  1. No additional steps necessary
  1. Select Save to save your action plan

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Configuring A Survey
