Survey Reports

Updated by Maggie Mancini

Surveys - Reports

Survey Summary Report

PURPOSE: To show a daily snapshot of Athlete/Employee/Patient Name, date of last survey sent, if it was completed or not, the urgency (critical), and if a follow up was completed.

DATA PARAMETER EXPLANATION: Located in the Documents Tab on the left navigation bar

Incomplete Survey Report

PURPOSE: To show which Athletes/Employees have incomplete surveys

DATA PARAMETER EXPLANATION: Filter by Organization, Survey, and Time Range to pull data of last reminder sent, contact information, and Organization Name regarding the Survey selected.

Critical Surveys Report

PURPOSE: To show which Athletes/Employees/Patients have Critical results.

DATA PARAMETER EXPLANATION: Select Date Range to determine the Critical results of that survey, if the athlete has a follow up, time since critical results, and how long the response time was.  

Injury Count per Organization

PURPOSE: To show data per affected area/injury type for a specific organization in graph format.

DATA PARAMETER EXPLANATION: An Injury/Injuries are included by filtering which Organization, Affected Area, Secondary Filter, and Injury Type.

PURPOSE: To show any trends in specific injuries per organization and date range selected in a line graph format

DATA PARAMETER EXPLANATION: Injury trends are included by filtering which Organization, Affected Area, Secondary Filter, and Injury Type. Select which time interval will display on the chart (Daily, Weekly, Monthly, or Yearly)

Form Data Report

PURPOSE: To show any trends in a specific form/survey, overall or by a patient, per organization, and date range selected.

DATA PARAMETER EXPLANATION: Form data trends are included by filtering which form, Organization, and patient.

Dailey Critical Survey Report

PURPOSE: To show an overall view of the critical surveys completed as well as a list of the critical patients by name within the selected date.

DATA PARAMETER EXPLANATION: Form data trends are included by filtering which survey and Organization.

Sent Survey Report

PURPOSE: To show an overall snapshot of completed, incopmpletedm and ciritical surveys by the selected date range selected.

DATA PARAMETER EXPLANATION: Form data trends are included by filtering which survey and Organization.

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