Please Note: Terminology is different based on your setting, for example, a clinical setting uses Care Group as Organizations, Patient instead of Athlete, and Visits instead of Treatment, lastly Problems instead of Injuries, but the steps are still the same.
The Active Injury Report is a snapshot of athletes who have active injuries. The purpose of this report is for the care circle to efficiently see who is injured and what their current status is. For example, coaches can take a quick look at who is available for play at that given time. The steps below are how to generate the report to provide the care circle with the latest updates on the athletes who have active injuries. Please note you can generate this report at both the organization and the team level. The Active Injury Report is available to provider users, organizational level users, and team level users.
Video Tutorial:
00:00: Hi, this is Nikki from healthy roster. And this tutorial will better help you understand the active problems Tab and the report generation associated with it. The active problems tab will show you a snapshot of patients who currently have a problem. The purpose of this table is to give the provider a central location where you can effectively see who has a problem their current status and it's a quick place where you can update the problem. It's also a location where you can generate a report with up-to-date information. This is available at the org or Team level. This video in particular will detail the org view. However, the actions will remain the same for TeamViewer. 00:35: To begin select organizations 00:38: Now select your desired organization. 00:41: Now select active problems 00:44: You will now see all of your patients with active problems note. If you have a patient with more than one problem, they will show up the quantity of their problems. 00:54: To edit a problem from this location select the three dots to the right of the patient and the problem you'd like to edit. 01:01: From here, you can see that you're able to complete a multitude of tasks for this instance. I'm going to update a status. 01:08: Input the required information as appropriate. 01:11: And select okay to save 01:14: You will now be navigated back to your active problems tab. Any update that you have made will now be reflected here on this page. Now. Let's assume we're ready to generate our report. 01:25: Once you've selected to generate the report, you will now see a report status page here. You can review who is sitting on this report their status their problems and their last note to edit this information select the three dots in the upper right hand corner. 01:41: If you'd like to see less information, you can select collapse all. 01:46: Once you've reviewed the patients on your report select the three Dot 01:51: Let's review an instance where you may be would like to add a patient as a one-time note to the user that you're going to be exporting this report to solect add patient. 02:00: Now in the modal box, you will select the patient or search their name within the search bar. 02:06: Once they've been added to this report as a one-time add if you'd like to add a note select the pencil icon. 02:13: Now input your note for this patient and select okay. 02:17: If you selected to add a patient to this report, you will now see them listed at the top. This individual will have an active status in their note that you've just input will show as a note. This will not save to that patient profile. This is a one-time note if you navigate away from the screen and return back this one time note will not show any longer. 02:38: When you're ready to generate an export your active problems report select the three dots and select download. 02:45: A PDF rendering of your report will now download to your browser. If you open the export you will see your problems are all grouped by status. 02:54: If you have questions or need more help, please visit the help tab on the left navigation or reach us directly at help at healthy
Step-By-Step Tutorial:
Log in to Healthy Roster and select the Organizations
Select the desired organization
Select Active Problems
Patients with active problems will now show. If a patient has more than one problem, they will show multiple times
From this location, you are able to update the problem by selecting the three dots to the right and selecting the proper action
If you'd like to generate this page as a report, select Generate Report
A preview of the report will now be generated. You're able to download or add additional patients to this report as a one-time add if you chose
A PDF rendering of the report will download to your browser if you've selected to download.
If an Athlete has more than one injury/illness Active Injury Status, the Athlete will be placed in the most limiting category with all remaining injuries/illnesses also listed in that category.