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Creating a Non-Problem Related Encounter

This tutorial reviews how to create a non-problem/non-injury-related encounter.

Niki Budd
Updated by Niki Budd

Non-problem related encounters are helpful when you want to document on a patient profile but not necessarily on a problem.

Please Note: Terminology is different based on your setting. For example, a setting may use Organization as Location, Patient instead of Athlete, Encounters instead of Treatment, or Problems instead of Injuries - but the steps are still the same.
Video Tutorial:

00:00: Hi, this is Nikki from healthy roster. And this tutorial will show you how to create a non-problem related encounter. This will come in handy when there is something you'd like to document for your patient. That isn't necessarily Associated to a problem. 00:15: To quickly navigate to your patient profile use the global search icon. 00:19: Type in your patient's name and select search or hit enter on your keyboard. 00:24: Once your patient profile shows select the three dots to the right. 00:29: Now select create encounter. 00:32: Enter the details for this encounter. 00:35: Next answer any Associated background questions 00:39: Now check the box that this is non-problem related. 00:43: If you've checked the box for non-problem related, you will then be prompted to answer the affected area questions. These three questions are not required. However are recommended to be answered. 00:55: Now select the plus button to add performed services or the items that you rendered to your patient. 01:01: Because I am marking this as more of a discussion than anything else within my account. I have added a service at education slash discussion. This item is customizable on admin provider users select your appropriate service. 01:16: And select, okay. 01:19: Next you can input notes by selecting the plus button to the right of notes. 01:23: Now and put the note type and type your note select okay to add. 01:29: Now select save to save your non-problem related encounter. 01:34: If you have questions or need more help, please visit the help tab on the left navigation or reach us directly at help at healthier

Step-By-Step Tutorial:
  1. Open the Global Search
  2. Type the patient name and select Search
  3. Select the three dots to the right of the patient, select Create Encounter
  4. Enter the encounters details
  5. Answer your account specific Background Questions
  6. Check Non Problem Related
  7. Answer the Affected Area questions
Note: these are not required in order to save
  1. Link performed services
  2. Add Notes if desired
  3. Add Attachments if desired
  4. Select Save

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