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Merging Duplicate Patients

How to merge duplicate patients.

Niki Budd
Updated by Niki Budd

How to Merge Duplicate Patients

This video and tutorial will walk you through the easy merging of duplicate patients. This is a great way to clean up your patient list and make sure that you do not have any redundancies within the system.

Please Note: Terminology is different based on your setting. For example; a setting may use Organization as Location, Patient instead of Athlete, Encounters instead of Treatment, or Problems instead of Injuries - but the steps are still the same.

Video Tutorial
Please Note: Terminology is different based on your setting. For example; a setting may use Organization as Location, Patient instead of Athlete, Encounters instead of Treatment, or Problems instead of Injuries - but the steps are still the same.
Step-By-Step Tutorial
  1. Navigate to the organization that houses the duplicate profiles
  2. Go to the Patients tab
  3. Click the three dots to the right of one of the patient profiles that you would like to be merged, select Merge Patient
  4. Click Select to search for the second patient to merge
  5. Type in name of the patient you wish to merge with the existing profile you have selected
  6. Pick which profile you would like to keep and which you'd like to remove by selecting the double reverse arrows in-between profiles
  1. Select Merge

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