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Understanding the Schedule Tab

Understanding the schedules tab web and app

Niki Budd
Updated by Niki Budd

Understanding the Schedule Tab - Web

Video Tutorial:

00:00: Hi this is Nikki from healthy roster and this tutorial is going to better help you understand the schedule tab 00:07: First let's navigate to the specific tab on your left navigation select schedule 00:13: Next select the view you'd like to work out of your view will be agenda-based or calendar based as a note the scheduled tab has a sticky nature to it meaning the position you leave it in when you navigate away will be the position you remain in first let's select to view agenda mode 00:32: This is the basis for agenda mode you see a list view of all of your patients and their scheduled items 00:39: Select day to view the day mode of the agenda 00:44: Select week if you'd like to view your agenda in a week by week basis 00:49: Lastly you can opt to select the agenda in calendar view 00:54: Now let's select to view in calendar format 00:58: To start you will be navigated to this calendar view 01:02: If you'd like to view a specific day on your calendar select view day 01:08: To view the week for your calendar mode select view week 01:13: Lastly to view the month as a whole select view month 01:18: If you'd like to remove events from your calendar view select events 01:22: You will now see events is unchecked and there are no events on my calendar any longer 01:27: If you are referencing a date on your schedule that's in the past or in the present and you'd like to quickly navigate back to today you can always select The View today icon 01:37: Now that you have a better understanding of the views within the schedules tab let's discuss how to add items to the schedule in calendar view select the date that you'd like to add an item to 01:49: I'm going to show you first how to add an event 01:53: You will then be prompted to select the proper organization to add the event for 01:58: Input the information for the event as appropriate select ok to add this event to your calendar 02:04: Now let's select a location on the calendar to add an encounter 02:08: Select add encounter 02:11: Next select the provider your scheduling this encounter with 02:15: Next select the patient 02:18: You can then input the details of the scheduled encounter 02:22: Answer any necessary background questions that are specific to your account 02:27: And Associate problems select the plus button to the right of problems 02:32: Here you will see you're able to add a new problem or link an existing 02:37: Next add in the performed services or the services rendered by the provider select the plus button 02:43: As always you're also able to add notes by selecting the plus button to the right of notes 02:48: As well as ADD attachments by selecting the plus button to the right of attachments 02:53: Select ok to add this encounter 02:56: Conversely let's review and encounter that is on your schedule this particular encounter was placed on the schedule when the patient scheduled via the self scheduler to edit this click on it 03:09: You might need to edit the details 03:12: Then answer the necessary background questions 03:15: Next uncheck this box if this is associated to a problem as a note all encounters that are scheduled via the self-scheduling feature will be marked as non-problem related 03:28: To associate a problem select the plus button to the right of problem 03:33: You then are able to add a new problem or link an existing 03:37: Now select the plus button to add performed services 03:41: You are then encouraged to add your notes and attachments 03:45: Now select save 03:48: If you'd like to quickly reference your agenda view you are able to see which encounters you've updated and Associated a problem and service with in which you have not here is an example where you see Julie James has had 80 education meaning I've updated this scheduled encounter whereas you see great atoms listed to below does not have a scheduled encounter listed 04:12: If you have questions or need more help please visit the help tab on your left navigation or reach us directly at

Step-By-Step Tutorial: Understanding the Views
  1. Select the Schedule tab from the left navigation
  2. Select the view you'd like to work out of; your view will be agenda-based or Calendar-based.
Note: The schedule tab is "sticky" meaning it will remain in the position you leave it in when you navigate away

Agenda View:

Calendar View:




  1. To remove events from your schedule, click on the events checkmark

  1. Select the providers you'd like to view
  2. If you've navigated away from the current date, you can quickly navigate back by selecting View Today
  3. If you'd like to reference quickly if an encounter has been updated or not, the agenda view will state the linked service below those that have a service linked to the encounter

Step-By-Step Tutorial: Adding an Event
  1. To Add an Event, select the general location on a calendar view and select Add Event

  1. Select the appropriate Organization
  2. Input the Events details and assign the event to the right team
  3. Select OK
Step-By-Step Tutorial: Adding an Encounter

  1. To add an Encounter, select the general area on the calendar view and select Add Encounter
  1. Select the appropriate provider
  2. Select the patient
  3. Create the encounter as appropriate and select OK

Step-By-Step Tutorial: Editing Scheduled Encounters

  1. Navigate to your schedule tab on the left navigation.

  1. Select the patient to navigate to the encounter

  1. Edit the details of the encounter accordingly
  2. Answers applicable Background Questions that are specific to your account
  3. Encounters that are created via Self Scheduling will automatically be marked as Non Problem Related. To associate a problem, uncheck Non-Problem Related
  4. Select + to add/associate a problem
  5. Select to add a new to create a new problem or link an existing to select from existing problems for this patient
  6. Select + to add performed services for the encounter
  7. Select the appropriate service
  8. Select + to add notes for the encounter
  9. Select + to add or link attachments
  10. Select Save to save the scheduled encounter

Scheduling an Event or Encounter via Schedule Tab - App

Video Tutorial:

00:00: Hi, this is Nikki from healthy roster. This tutorial is going to show you how to schedule 00:05: an event or an encounter within the app from the schedules tab. 00:09: Once logged in on your mobile device select the schedules tab on the bottom navigation. 00:15: Now to add an item select the plus button in the upper right hand corner. 00:20: First let's add a scheduled event. 00:25: He will now need to input the event details such as the organization Associated 00:29: the name description and additional information as necessary select 00:33: edit teams to add the associated teams. Once you hit save you'll be running back to the 00:38: schedule. If you'd like to edit attendance select the event and select edit attendance 00:42: now Mark all those have the attended this event solect save. 00:47: So let's save again. 00:50: Now navigating from the schedule's table. 00:52: Let's review how to enter and encounter from this scheduled tab. 00:58: Once you've selected to add an encounter select the patient. 01:02: Enter the information for this encounter. 01:05: I'm going to add a problem as well as associate some services. 01:09: You can also include additional information such as notes or attachments if 01:14: necessary. Select 01:20: save to save this encounter. 01:25: If you have questions or need more help, please visit the help tab on the left navigation 01:29: or reach us directly at help at healthy

Step-By-Step Tutorial:
  1. Select Schedule
  2. To add a new item select +
  3. Select to add either an event or encounter
  4. Input the necessary information for the item chosen and save

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Scheduling Treatments via Schedules Tab

View/Edit Account Settings
