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Clearing Document Alerts

This tutorial will teach you what the "Clear Expiration Alerts" option on expiring documents means and how to manage a document easily and effectively.

Lindsey Puent
Updated by Lindsey Puent

Managing Documents: Clearing Document Alerts

This tutorial will teach you what the "Clear Expiration Alerts" option on expiring/expired documents means and how to easily and effectively manage a document that has had alerts cleared. This option is only available to Providers.

What does it mean to "Clear Document Alerts" and what happens when I choose this option?

  • For Documents that are expiring/expired, there is a “Clear Expiration Alerts” option that Providers may click on to override the expiration date for each specific document. If Alerts are cleared, the expiration date will go unchanged, but the categorization of the document will be changed from “Document Requiring Attention” to “Uploaded Documents” and the alert icon will no longer appear when viewing the list of Documents. 
  • Once alerts are cleared, the option to "Add a New Version" of this document will not appear.
  • After clearing an alert, the alert cannot be restored unless a new replacement document is created with a new expiration date. To do this, the athlete may select "Upload a New Document" and select the correct document from the drop down list.
If the "Clear Expiration Alerts" option is selected, the provider will get a pop up message asking "Are you sure you want to clear expired alerts for ALL provider users and users in your account?" Please note that by clicking yes, the provider is clearing alerts for all other providers, as well as any alerts for the user regarding missing/expiring/expired documents. As such, they will not be prompted to upload a new version upon expiration.
  • If the "Clear Expiration Alerts" option is selected by a Provider, a pop up message asking the provider if they are sure they'd like to clear the alerts. If the provider proceeds with this step, a line of text will appear showing who cleared the document alert and when.

A document is expiring, but I'm not ready for a new version. What's next?
  • Rather than manually clearing the document expiration alerts, creating a new document type will allow you to make these changes. Your best flow would be as follows:
  1. Please reference this HelpDoc to create a new document type: How to Create/ Assign a Document
Ensure you are setting an expiration date as well as input the academic year in your title.
  1. On the OLD document type, remove the organizations and delete the document type.
The document expiration alerts have been cleared, but I want athletes to upload a new version of this document. How do I manage this?
  • If this is specific to one athlete, you may choose to tell the athlete to upload a new version of the document. If they select "Upload a New Document" and select the document from the drop down menu, the expiration date on this new document will override the cleared alert and will re-instate the document alert for this athlete's document.
  • If this is a widespread issue, creating a new document type as outlined above will be the best flow.

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