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Bulk Archiving Patients by Birth Date

This tutorial will review how to use our bulk archive by birthdate feature.

Niki Budd
Updated by Niki Budd

Bulk Archiving Patients by Birth Date

Please Note: Terminology is different based on your setting, for example, a college setting uses Teams as Organizations, Units as Teams, but the steps are still the same.
As a note to remember, bulk archiving patients will also delete associated permissions/access for parents/guardians.
Video Tutorial

00:00: Hi this is Nikki from healthy roster and this tutorial is going to show you how to bulk archive patients by birth date 00:06: From the organization's page select patients 00:10: Now select born before or born after depending on how you want to Archive 00:15: Now select the month and the drop-down Arrow to select the year 00:19: Athletes with the born before or born after date that you've selected will now show next select add 00:26: From the add drop-down you're now going to select archive patients 00:30: Now see an archive confirmation with the total number of patients you're about to Archive it also will ask you to check the box if you'd like to delete any pending invitations select OK when you're ready to Archive 00:42: If you have questions or need more help please visit the help tab on the left navigation or reach us directly at

Step-By-Step Tutorial 
  1. Log into your Healthy Roster account and select the “Organizations” tab on the left side of the screen. 
  2. Select the organizations you need to archive patients from 
  3. Click on Patients
  4. Select either Born Before or Born After and select the month and year
  5. Click the Add New drop down and select Archive Patients
  6. Select if you'd like to delete pending invitations
  7. Confirm the archive by selecting OK

How did we do?

Archiving a Team

Merging Duplicate Patients
