Survey Troubleshooting

Updated by Amelia Boyer


Most Frequently Asked Questions:
For Recipients

"I accidentally filled out the survey incorrectly"

  • You will need to reach out to your provider/organization.

"How do I unsubscribe?"

  • You will need to reach out to your provider/organization.

For Healthcare Providers/Senders

"People are being sent the survey sent twice"

  • Double-check that the individual isn't in two different organizations/teams. Typically this means the phone number is associated with more than one person.

"People aren't receiving the survey."

  • First, please double-check to make sure the individual has the correct cell phone number AND that it's in the cell phone number spot within their profile.
  • Lastly, you can look into troubleshooting this by going to reports and then the "Failed Survey Sends Report". This will provide you with the Error Code the system is recieving when sending.

Texting Error Codes:

If someone is continuously experieicing these errors we suggest to switch the phone number to another or remove the cell phone number and send the survey via email.

Messages Marked “Failed” or “Undelivered”

Error 30008 "Message Delivery - Unknown error": The destination carrier has returned a generic error message.

Error 30005 "Message Delivery - Unknown destination handset": The destination carrier is reporting the To number is unknown, or no longer in service.

Error 30003 "Message Delivery - Unreachable destination handset": The destination carrier is reporting the 'To' number is unreachable - the device is likely powered down, out of the service area, or may not accept your messages.

Error 30007 "Message Delivery - Carrier Violation": The destination carrier is filtering out your messages for delivery.

Error 30004 "Message Delivery - Message blocked": Your message has been blocked from reaching the destination.

Error 30006 "Message Delivery - Landline or unreachable carrier": The destination is a landline phone, or the destination carrier can't be reached.

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