Locking Problem Status Changes

Updated by Niki Budd

Locking Problem Status Changes

Users within the patient care circle can create problems in Healthy Roster. This feature is designed to enhance communication between users and patient care. After the provider assesses the patient, they should link the problem to an incident report. This action secures the status, making it editable only by the provider and preventing any changes from users in the patient care circle.

Video Tutorial:
Step-By-Step Tutorial:
  1. The provider will receive a notification once your user has reported a problem.
    Didn't receive a notification? You will want to ensure you have notifications enabled
  2. Selecting the notification will navigate you to the problem timeline
  3. Select Add
  4. Select Add Incident Report
  5. Note that because this route automatically links the problem with the incident report, you will not need to associate the problem. However, if you navigate directly to add an incident report for the athlete before navigating to the problem timeline, you must associate the problem.
  6. Complete the incident report as necessary, select OK to save
  7. The status will now only be editable via the provider user.
Please note: If the provider user creates the problem within the incident report before the problem is reported by another user, this will automatically lock down the status to only be editable via the provider user. Please follow along with Adding Problems & Incident Reports for more information.

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