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Creating a Note Template

This walkthrough will show you how to create a note template.

Niki Budd
Updated by Niki Budd

Creating a Note Template

Provider Admin Only Feature

Note Templates can be built by all Provider Admins and are a great way of increasing speed and compliance of dictation. You can assign your note templates to all areas within Healthy Roster where you can complete a note. We recommend building Note Templates that are specific to your Health Care Provider group.

Video Tutorial:

00:00: This is Niki from Healthy Roster in this video I'm going to walk you through how to create a note template. Please keep in mind this is for provider admin only. This is a great way of increasing speed and compliance of dictation. You can now add note template to any location within Healthy Roster that you can complete a note. We do highly recommend building out note templates as they are specific to your health care provider group and help with compliance of dictation 00:27: To begin, select the admin tab. 00:30: Now select the notes drop down 00:33: Now select note template 00:37: Add a new note template select add. 00:41: Now give your note template a name. I'm going to title mine concussion evaluation 00:47: Now like where you like to buy this note type to you can apply enough types of more than one location but please do keep in mind this will set the tone for documentation in the right location for your provider's example this is a valuation I'm going to assign specifically to the incident report but I might also apply really well with a referral if your Physicians are looking for a note template as well 01:10: Check the box for each location you'd like to apply your note type to. 01:16: Now create your quick text out this code to be sure as well as something that normally wouldn't be typing to a note this quick tax will be what providers can type into their no area and have the template quickly populate your quick text you need to be typed exactly as you've created it 01:31: Now begin building your template. This will be built in Markdown format and our toolbar is specifically set to build in Markdown. For more help building your template, please visit our helpdoc titled: Note Templates - Tips and Tricks 01:45: When your note template is complete select save 01:49: For more help or if you have questions please visit the help tab on your left navigation or reach us directly at

Step-By-Step Tutorial:

  1. Select the Admin Tab
  2. Select the Notes arrow
  3. Select Note Templates
  4. Select Add
  5. Name the Note Template
  6. Select where this note template should be available. You are able to assign templates to Encounters, Incident Reports, Problems, Referrals and Status Updates
  7. Create your quick text code. This code should be short as well as something that normally wouldn't be typed into a note. This quick text will be what providers can type into their note area and have the template quickly populate. Your quick text will need to be typed exactly as you have created it.
  8. Create your note template
Please visit Note Templates - Tips & Tricks for help building your note templates
For Fillable boxes, Input {Item} after the prompt. Ex: Previous History: {previousHistory}
For prompts only, simply input the prompt. Ex: Time/Date of Evaluation
For line breaks: Input the code  
  1. Select Save

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