Creating an Event

Updated by Niki Budd

Creating an Event - Legacy

Step-By-Step Tutorial
  1. Log in to your Healthy Roster account and click on the “Teams” tab on your left navigation bar 
  1. Click on the Team that you need to add an Event to
  2. Click on “Events”
  3. Click on “Create New Event”
  1. Input the information as needed. Note that when Datalys is turned on for your account, the background questions related to Datalys will appear on this page for you to answer as well.

  1. Click “Create Event”

Creating an Event - 2.0

Step-By-Step Tutorial
  1. Log in to your Healthy Roster account and click on the “Teams” tab on your left navigation bar 
  2. Click on the Team that you need to add an Event to
  3. Click on “Events”
  4. Click on Add or click directly on the calendar to create a new event
  5. Input the information as needed. Note that when Datalys is turned on for your account, the background questions related to Datalys will appear on this page for you to answer as well.
  6. Click OK

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