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Understanding your Clinical Summary

This tutorial is to help you understand the view of the Clinical Summary.

Niki Budd
Updated by Niki Budd

Understanding your Clinical Summary

This tutorial is to help you understand the view of the Clinical Summary. Remember that no two clinical summaries will be the same as they are independent of the patient, the information logged for the patient, and the information selected to be included.

Video Tutorial:

00:00: Hi this is Nikki from healthy roster and this tutorial is going to help you better understand the clinical summary export keep in mind no two clinical summaries will be the exact same as they are very independent to the patient the information that's logged for the patient and the information that was selected by you the provider to include on this export 00:18: Let's review the document from top to bottom here you will see first the clinical summary who it was created by in the date and the associated organization 00:27: Next you will see a section for patient demographics understand that if there is not information on the patient profile in this section na will show 00:37: Next you will see a section for medical information if you are on the patient's profile select details and scroll down to the medical details box information that is stored here will then show on the clinical summary 00:51: The next section listed will be problems the problems on this view of course will only be those that you've selected to include on the clinical summary problems will then be laid out from start to finish with all items that you've selected to include such as incident reports referrals encounters status updates and all Associated notes as a note to You background questions will not show on this export if you wish to include the answers to background questions we do suggest adding them into your notes whether that be via a note template or by using the token menu to insert them 01:24: You've created more than one problem you will see the consecutive problems below one another visually they are separated via a dark gray line at the term of each independent problem 01:34: The next section will be non-problem related encounters these are all encounters that have been completed that are non-problem associated 01:43: Lastly if you've selected to include documents on your clinical summary they will all show consecutively at the end of this report 01:51: You have questions or need more help please visit the help tab on your left navigation or reach us directly at

Step-By-Step Tutorial:
  1. Clinical Summary Header: This section will show you when and by whom the Clinical Summary was created. This will also show the organizations associated.
  2. Demographics: This section will show all information stored on the patient details tab. N/A will show for blank fields.
  3. Problems: Problems selected to be included will show in a start-to-finish order. Within each problem, if you've selected to include Incident Reports, Referrals, Encounters, and all associated notes, they will show grouped together. If you've included more than one problem, the next problem will be shown below.
Note: Background questions will not show unless you've included them in your notes. We suggest adding background questions to your note templates or inserting them via the token menu.
  1. Non-Problem Related Encounters: Encounters you've selected to include that are not associated with a problem.
  2. Documents: Lastly all documents will show

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