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Updating a Patient Profile

How to update an athlete/patient profile.

Niki Budd
Updated by Niki Budd

Updating a Patient Profile - 2.0

There are many ways to get to an individual's profile the easiest route is listed below. You can also update an individual's profile by uploading the bulk upload template with the individual's updated information. As long as the individual's name and date of birth stay the same the other fields will populate the new data.
Please Note: Terminology is different based on your setting, for example, a college setting uses Teams as Organizations, Units as Teams, but the steps are still the same.
Video Tutorial:

00:01: Hi this is Maggie from healthy roster and in this video I'm going to show you how to update a patient profile 00:08: Start by using the global search at the top of the screen 00:12: Search for your athletes name 00:15: Click the three dots to the right of the athlete's name and select edit 00:20: Update the patient information as needed and click save 00:25: And now you know how to update a patient profile if you have any questions or need to reach our support team please reach out to help at

  1. Using the global search select the three dots to the right of the patient and select Edit
  2. Edit desired demographics and select Save
Step-By-Step Tutorial - Patient Profile
  1. Navigate to the patient profile
  2. Click Details
  3. Update the desired information and select Save

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