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Layout Blocks

Layout Blocks are designed to help you build your reports so they look and flow exactly as you'd like them to.

Niki Budd
Updated by Niki Budd

Layout Blocks

Layout Blocks are designed to help you build your reports so they look and flow exactly as you'd like them to.

Video Tutorial:
Step-By-Step Tutorial:
  1. To add a block to a report, select +
  2. Select the Item you'd like to insert:

Block Item


Option 1: Text

  1. Select Text
  2. Add context for the data being presented
    Note: Text is supported in a markdown format, to learn more about formatting in this section follow along here!
  3. Select OK

Option 2: Horizontal Divider

  1. Select Horizontal Divider
  2. Resize and reposition the divider as necessary on your report

Option 3: Vertical Divider

  1. Select Vertical Divider
  2. Resize and reposition the divider as necessary on your report

Option 4: Empty

  1. Select Empty
  2. Resize and reposition the empty block as necessary
Note: Empty block can be used to maintain proper alignment on reporting but also can be used to insert page breaks for printed reporting

Next, we recommend reviewing - Advanced Reporting - Applying Filters.

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