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Managing Invitations

How to manage user invitations

Niki Budd
Updated by Niki Budd

Managing Invitations

The "Manage Invitations" tab consolidates all users with pending invitations for your organization or team. This feature is designed to streamline the process of sending out pending invitations efficiently. It allows you to handle invitations for any type of user—whether Patient, Primary, Organizational, or Team—either at the organization level or the team level.

Video Tutorial:

00:00: Hi, this is Nikki from healthy roster. 00:02: I'm going to walk you through how to manage your pending invitations. 00:06: This is ideal for efficiently viewing who has not accepted an invitation or 00:11: resending those pending invitations or maybe even removing them. 00:14: This feature can be utilized both in the organization and the 00:18: team it will apply to all users and show you who is the patient 00:22: or primary user or organizational or Team level members. 00:26: Let's jump in. 00:28: To begin select the organization tab on the left navigation. 00:33: Now select your desired organization. 00:37: Now select manage invitations 00:41: You will now be directed to the manage invitations page here. 00:45: You will see a list of all of the users that have not yet accepted their invitation 00:49: for this organization. 00:52: If you'd like you are able to filter or reorder your view, I'm 00:56: going to select the filter icon. 00:59: You will see here. The filter options automatically. 01:02: We are going to filter by first name in ascending order. 01:06: I'm going to filter via permission title. 01:10: You will see now that my order is sorted in alphabetical order based off 01:14: of the permission title. Within my example. 01:17: I have a primary user which is the patient in my setting in organization, 01:21: which is my athletic director a team member which is the coach 01:25: and I also have a parent showing here. 01:28: These are all of the users that are associated to have an 01:32: active invitation within this organization. 01:37: Now if you'd like to resend these invitations to users in 01:41: a quick fashion, you can do so from this location. 01:43: I'm going to resend an invitation to Hank boss select 01:48: the menu icon to the right of the profile. 01:51: And now I will select to resend this will reinitiate the 01:55: email campaign for the invitation. 01:58: Now conversely let's delete appending invitation to do so 02:03: select the menu icon to the right of the user. 02:07: And now select delete this will end the email campaign and communication 02:12: from the healthy roster platform as a note. 02:15: We are unable to pull back any emails that have already been sent to this user. 02:20: Once you have selected to delete the invitation, you will receive a 02:24: secondary confirmation asking you to confirm if you'd like to delete select 02:29: okay to confirm. 02:31: If you have questions or need more help, please visit the help tab on the left navigation 02:36: or reach us directly at helpy

Step-By-Step Tutorial:
  1. Navigate to the organization
  2. Select Manage Invitations
  3. Chose if you'd like to filter the view
  4. Select if you'd like to view via Created After Date or Last Email Sent Before Date
  5. Select the Menu Icon to the right of the invitation and choose to resend or delete the invitation

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