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Exploring Available Content

Instructions on how to search available and upcoming content within our education platform.

Niki Budd
Updated by Niki Budd

Exploring Available Content

We want you to focus on what you’re passionate about, so we've provided several methods to help you quickly access the materials that interest you most.

Video Tutorial:

00:01: Hi, this is Nikki from healthy roster. 00:03: This tutorial is going to walk you through how to explore our available content 00:07: within our educational platform. We want you to focus on what your 00:12: passionate about. So we provided you with methods to help you quickly access the materials 00:16: that interests you most 00:20: Upon logging in, you will see and explore that. 00:23: We have categorized content This allows you to easily search 00:28: and explore courses within their specific groupings. 00:33: Let's presume. I'm interested in learning specifically about mental health, select 00:37: the category. 00:39: And now I can review the available courses that are within this category. 00:45: There are a few things to note from this page as well. 00:47: If you select read more, you will be navigated to the next page. 00:51: This next page will show you the details of this. 00:54: Course, you can also hover over the authors profile image 00:58: to read more about the author. 01:01: You will see here, I've selected to read more This shows 01:05: me, the summary learning objectives, credit information and author 01:10: information. If I'd like, I can select start course here. 01:15: If you scroll lower on the home page, you will see a search bar. 01:20: This search bar enables you to search by category topic of Interest or 01:24: author. Additionally, you can also apply filters here for more precise results. 01:31: Let's say again, I'm interested in learning more about mental health, but maybe mental 01:35: health within different categories. 01:38: You will see my search has populated courses that have tags with mental 01:42: health. 01:44: Now let's clear that search bar and assumed I'd like to apply some filters. 01:47: I'm going to select within the search bar, the filter icon. 01:52: First, you will see you're able to sort by status selecting all, will show 01:56: all courses available underneath the search bar, 02:01: By selecting completed as the status with the filter, you will see the courses 02:05: that you have already completed. 02:09: You can also select if you'd like to view in progress courses. 02:12: These are courses that you have started but not yet completed. 02:17: And lastly you can of course, select not started. 02:19: This will take out courses that you have completed and those courses 02:24: that you have in progress. 02:27: And if you'd like, you can also use the filter to search a specific category. 02:32: Perhaps you've taken some previous courses and you really enjoy the author, you 02:36: can also apply a filter to show you the author's courses that we have available. 02:42: If after you've applied all of those filters, and you would like to clear them. 02:45: Now, from this search bar, you can select clear. 02:50: Because we are continually updating our courses, we'd like to call out that. 02:54: We are also showing you at the bottom of the page, our upcoming courses, these 02:58: are courses that have a published date within the future, but things you can look forward to 03:03: If you have questions or need more help, please visit the help tab on the left navigation 03:07: or reach us directly at help at healthy

Step-By-Step Tutorial: Explore Content

Categories organize content, allowing you to easily search and explore courses within their specific groupings.

  1. Navigate to Explore
  2. Select the desired category
  3. Explore available courses
  4. To learn more about a course select Read more
  5. Clicking "Read More" will open detailed course information, including the summary, learning objectives, credits, estimated completion time, and details about the publication and author.
  6. To learn about the course Author select their profile image or hover over the image
Step-By-Step Tutorial: Search and Filtering

The search bar enables you to search by category, topic of interest, or author. Additionally, you can apply filters for more precise results.

  1. Type your desired search in the search bar you will be able to see courses within your search
  2. If you'd like you're also able to filter your search by selecting the search bars filter icon
  3. Apply the desired filters

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