Viewing Patient Emergency Contacts (App)

Updated by Niki Budd

Viewing Patient Emergency Contacts - App

Video Tutorial - 2.0:

00:00: Hi this is Lindsay with healthy roster and today I'm going to show you how to view a patient's emergency contacts in the healthy roster app 00:08: First login to the healthy roster app next select the patient's profile 00:15: Select Care Circle 00:17: Click on the contacts that you would like to access 00:21: From here you can click the email address to send an email or you can click the phone number to initiate a phone call 00:29: For more information or if you need to speak with the help team please click the help tab on your left navigation bar or email us at help at

Step-by-Step Tutorial - 2.0:
  1. From the patient profile select Care Circle
  1. Emergency Contacts for the patient will be visible here. Select the contact in order to view their details.

  1. The Emergency Contact means of contact will now populate. You can launch a phone call directly by clicking on the phone number, or send an email by selecting the email.

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