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Configuring Line Charts

How to configure line charts in advanced reporting

Niki Budd
Updated by Niki Budd

Configuring Line Charts

Line charts are useful when attempting to show how data has changed over a period of time. Overall, they are simple to configure and have the same muli-series capabilities as bar charts.

Video Tutorial:
Step-By-Step Tutorial:
Note: this tutorial will show you how to from using a blank template; the actions will apply if you're adding a block to an existing report or template
  1. From edit mode, select +
  2. Select Line Chart
  3. Select your data source. The data source will provide a different way of grouping information from the system.
    Note: follow along with Advanced Data Source Topics for further information
  4. Select OK
  5. Begin to modify the line chart configuration. The line chart will be grouped by date rather than what you typically would see as a group by column. Select the range for grouping
  6. The Date Column will show all the fields with dates within your data source.
  7. Name your series
  8. Select the desired color of your line chart
  9. Select OK to add your line chart
  10. Resize your chart as necessary by dragging the item to the appropriate size
  11. To apply additional filtering to your line chart, or for example if you'd like to see encounters by the organization, select its menu and then select Edit
  12. Now select the Series Filter icon
  13. Select + Add Filter
  14. Select your filter
  15. Select OK
  1. Now, update your series name to reflect the filter.
  1. Select + to add a second series
  1. Apply the comparative filter to the new series by selecting the filter icon
  1. Set the filter
  1. Select OK
  1. Update the series name to reflect the filter.

  1. Set the color
  1. Set the same date column and Aggregation
  1. Select OK to add your edits.
  1. Now, you will be able to see the separate series on your line chart for comparison.

Next, we recommend reviewing Branding Blocks

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Configuring Bar Charts
