Survey Summary Reports

Updated by Amelia Boyer

Survey Summary Report

To see the status of your surveys sent out to your students, you can run a survey summary report. Here are the steps to do so.

Step-By-Step Tutorial
  1. Log in to your Healthy Roster account and click on the “Documents” tab on your left navigation bar
  1. Locate the Survey and click on that Document Type
  1. Here you will see the list of athletes/employees that have been sent the survey, when they last received a survey, when they completed the survey, the urgency (critical or none critical), if the Follow Up Protocols have been completed, and their contact information. From here you can view the details of someone who has completed the survey, what team or unit they are associated with, add contact information, or send a survey directly. You also have the option to export the data in pdf or excel format. 
  1. You can also filter by Organization, Team, and/or Status of the Survey at the top of this page. 

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