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Recreating Sunset Reports

Recreating Sunset Reports. This tutorial will walk you through how to recreate them easily.

Niki Budd
Updated by Niki Budd

Recreating Sunset Reports

Our reporting platform provides extensive customization options, but if you prefer the reports you've been using, this tutorial will walk you through how to recreate them easily. To maximize the efficiency and value of your reports, we strongly recommend taking advantage of available templates whenever possible.

Key Terms:
Sunset Reports:
Reports that will be phased out as our reporting platform evolves. These may include reports you've previously used.
A pre-built reporting framework designed to streamline the reporting process
A visual reporting interface, typically featuring charts, graphs, visual elements, and groupings to present data insights
Data Source:
The raw data focused on desired categories, you may use data sources to organize and format the structure of your report
Video Tutorial:

00:00: Hi, this is Nikki from healthy roster. 00:03: This tutorial is going to walk through recreating our Sunset reports. 00:07: Our platform offers a wide range of customization for your 00:11: reporting options. But if you prefer the familiar reports you've been using in your 00:15: account. This tutorial will guide you through the steps to recreate them easily. 00:21: First let's review one of the reports that we have available currently within your 00:25: account. This is one of the reports that we will be sunsetting. 00:30: You will see here a warning at the top of the page that states that this report has 00:34: been Sunset and we encourage you to use the new reporting tool. 00:39: This encouragement is simply to let you know that you're able to still run this report. 00:43: However, you will want to recreate this report. 00:46: If it's one that you are often using as we will be removing this Sunset report 00:50: before too long. 00:53: As you see here when I select run. 00:56: You will see here. Our data is still showing even though we are sunsetting this report. 01:00: Let's go in and make a replica of this report so that you will have it 01:04: moving forward select reports as the quick action to 01:08: navigate back. 01:11: Now select add 01:14: You will input the title for your report. 01:18: He will also input a description. 01:22: Now search the available templates templates will give you the closest 01:26: replication of the report that you've previously been using because 01:30: I was looking at the emergency contacts report. 01:33: I'm going to use the emergency contacts template. 01:38: Now select okay to add this template to your report. 01:42: You will now be navigated into edit mode from here. 01:46: I'm going to select refresh so I can see the data that's pulling and 01:50: ensure that it's correct. 01:53: Once you're happy with the layout of this replicated report and the use of our 01:57: template, you will select the done icon selecting done will 02:01: take you out of edit mode and into run mode. 02:06: Your report is now available for use. 02:08: We do recommend selecting the menu icon in the upper right-hand corner. 02:13: In favoriting this report. This will help pull these reports that 02:17: you have now replicated to the top of your list if you're sorting by favorites. 02:23: Now let's look at an old report that we are going to Sunset that 02:27: isn't necessarily a template, but it's a data set select 02:32: the report icon to quickly navigate back. 02:35: For demonstration purposes. We are going to replicate the incident log. 02:39: Let's look at the current incident log. 02:43: Again, you will see here the warning above that. 02:45: This is a report that is being Sunset. 02:47: However, we can still select run. 02:51: And do the data associated with this report. 02:53: Let's make a replica select reports again. 02:58: Now select add 03:02: You will input and name and in the description again. 03:06: I'm going to also select blank report because I just want to include 03:10: dataset information and not necessarily all of a template. 03:16: Select okay to add this report 03:21: And we will want to add the data select the add icon. 03:25: And because I'm making a replica, all I need to insert is a table element. 03:31: Now I need to select my data source. 03:33: I am going to select instant reports once you select internet 03:38: reports. 03:40: You will see all of the information that is included within that data 03:44: set to add this select. Okay? 03:48: You will then need to input what columns you would like to be included within this table 03:52: select the columns icon. 03:56: You can then select which items you'd like to include within your columns. 04:00: I'm simply going to select select all. 04:04: And now select okay. 04:11: Will then want to resize your table accordingly now select refresh 04:15: while you're in edit mode so you can see the data present. 04:20: Once you ensure that the report is laid out and holds the information you 04:24: want it to hold select done. 04:27: This will take you out of edit mode and into run mode. 04:33: Now that you're in run mode you're able to use this report as normal. 04:36: We do recommend selecting the menu icon. 04:40: And again marking your new replicated report as a favorite report. 04:44: So you will quickly be able to navigate back to it. 04:48: If you have questions or need more help, please visit the help tab on the left navigation 04:53: or reach us directly at help at healthy

Reporting Replication:

2.0 Reporting - Sunsetting Reports

Exact Reproduction Process

Advanced Reporting Recommendation - Template Focused

Encounter Service Cost Breakdown (By Organization): 

Shows Cost and Unit Number of Encounter Services by Organization

Blank report - add data source - encounter service costs

Template: Encounter Cost Breakdown

Offers: A dashboard breaking down the cost of encounter services by organization, team, service and billable status.

Emergency Contacts: 

View emergency contact information for patients in an organization

Template - Emergency contacts

Offers: A list of all emergency contacts across all athletes currently in the system.

Hotline Report: 

List of all calls received from the hotline

Blank report - add data source - hotline call history

Offers: List of all calls, missed/answered, length, and dates

Incident Log: 

List of all incidents over a certain date range; includes background questions.

Blank report - add data source - incident report

Offers: Incident Reports documented within the system. If multiple problems are associated with a single Incident Report, each problem will result in a separate row.

Template - Problem Breakdown 

Offers: A dashboard breaking down problems by their affected area, body part, condition, and graduation year. You can also easily select from a list of background questions you would like to see the report include. Because this report uses background questions, it uses the Incident Report data source and will only include problems that are associated with an incident report.

Incident log (grouped by org):

List of all incidents over a certain date range; includes background questions

Insurance Submission Report: 

List of all insurance submissions - including submitted and missing data

Template - Insurance Submissions

Invitations Log:

Shows details on outstanding invitations

Template - Invitations

Manager Report: 

Track usage and engagement by provider user over a certain date range

Blank report - add data source: Provider Engagement by Provider

Offers: System activity information grouped by individual provider users to help monitor productivity and engagement across different users within your account.

Template - Provider User Engagement

Offers: System usage metrics broken down by individual provider users. Helpful for identifying specific provider users who might not be fully utilizing the system.

Template: Organization Engagment

Offers: System usage metrics broken down by organization. Helpful for identifying specific organizations who might not be fully utilizing the system.

Medical Details: 

View patient medical details and other demographic information

Blank Report - add data source patients

Offers: Patient Demographic and contact information

Template - Emergency Contacts

Offers: A list of all emergency contacts across all athletes currently in the system.

Tip: To match the Medical Details data source, you’d need to edit the columns to add Medical Details and remove emergency contact information if desired.

Problem Log: 

List of all problems/injuries within a certain date range - can be run by Org or Team

Template - Problem Log

Offers: A list of all problems documented within the system, regardless of whether they have an incident report associated with them.

Provider Engagement Report: 

Track usage and engagement of provider users by Organization

Template - Provider User Engagement

Offers: System usage metrics broken down by individual provider users. Helpful for identifying specific provider users who might not be fully utilizing the system.

Referral Estimated Revenue: 

Track ROI of referral services - grouped by organization

Blank report - add data source - Referral Revenue

Offers: The estimated revenue of all referrals logged in the system aggregated at the service level, but not the problem level. This means that if there are two services listed under a referral and two problems then their will be separate rows for both of the services, but the problems will be grouped together and not result in separate rows. This is to avoid over estimating revenue by double counting the number of services performed.

Template: Referral Revenue Breakdown

Offers: A dashboard breaking down referral revenue by healthcare organization, provider and service type.

Scheduled Events: 

List of scheduled events without participation over a certain date range

Template - Events

Offers: A list of all scheduled events

Template - Event Participation 

Offers: Participation records for scheduled events by athlete. This report is helpful for tracking participation and exposure information.

Simple Encounter Log: 

List of encounters/treatments over a certain date range

Template - Encounter Log

Offers: A list of all encounters

Simple Referral Log: 

List of referrals/follow-up services over a certain date range

Template - Referral Log

Offers: A list of all referrals

User Access Audit: 

Patient Access Log by User

Template - Access Logs

Offers: View system access logs by user and patient. Helpful for Auditing purposes.

How did we do?

Running an Existing Report

Editing Form Data Reporting
