Table of Contents

Reporting Templates and Data Sources

Listing of all reporting templates and data sources.

Niki Budd
Updated by Niki Budd

Reporting Templates and Data Sources

Our reporting platform offers comprehensive metrics with fully customizable features, allowing you to tailor your reports with the exact data and visuals you need. We also provide a selection of pre-designed templates that we recommend exploring, as they are well-rounded and include commonly reported visuals. If a template doesnโ€™t meet your specific needs, you can choose from a wide range of data sources to include in your custom reports.

Key Terms:
A pre-built reporting framework designed to streamline the reporting process
A visual reporting interface, typically featuring charts, graphs, visual elements, and groupings to present data insights
Data Source:
The raw data focused on desired categories, you may use data sources to organize and format the structure of your report
Available Templates:
Blank Report

An empty canvas for you to build your reports on

Access Logs

View system access logs by user and patient. Helpful for Auditing purposes.

Background Answers By Patient

All background questions answers across all contexts (Encounters/Incident Reports/Referrals/Patient Details) for a specific patient. This data can be useful for population health management or tracking the progress of a metric over time.

Emergency Contacts

A list of all emergency contacts across all athletes currently in the system.

Encounter Cost Breakdown

A dashboard breaking down the cost of encounter services by organization, team, service and billable status

Encounter Log

A list of all encounters

Event Participation

Participation records for scheduled events by athlete. This report is helpful for tracking participation and exposure information.


A list of all scheduled events

Insurance Submissions

A history of insurance submissions to our third party integration partners and the status of those submissions. This report is helpful for identifying when submissions might be delayed due to missing information.


A list of user invitations and their status. Helpful for tracking engagement metrics and troubleshooting patient account signup issues.

Organization Engagement

System usage metrics broken down by organization. Helpful for identifying specific organizations who might not be fully utilizing the system.

Problem Breakdown

A dashboard breaking down problems by their affected area, body part, condition, and graduation year. You can also easily select from a list of background questions you would like to see the report include. Because this report uses background questions it uses the Incident Report data source and will only include problems that are associated with an incident report.

Problem Log

A list of all problems documented within the system, regardless of whether they have an incident report associated with them.

Provider User Engagement

System usage metrics broken down by individual provider users. Helpful for identifying specific provider users who might not be fully utilizing the system.

Recent Background Question Answers

The most recent background question answers per patient across all contexts (Encounters/Incident Reports/Referrals/Patient Details). This data can be useful for population health management by viewing a snapshot of a specific metric across an organization.

Referral Log

A list of all referrals

Referral Revenue Breakdown

A dashboard breaking down referral revenue by healthcare organization, provider and service type.

Simple Table

A great starting point for building a simple table based report from an existing data source.

Available Data Sources:
Access Logs

Details about which users accessed which patient PHI. The access is grouped by the requested URL and can be filtered by individual patient or user.

Background Questions: All Responses

All background questions answers across all contexts (Encounters/Incident Reports/Referrals/Patient Details). This data can be useful for population health management.

Background Questions: Most Recent Response

The most recent background question answers per patient across all contexts (Encounters/Incident Reports/Referrals/Patient Details). This data can be useful for population health management.

Emergency Contacts

Emergency Contact information for each patient. Each emergency contact is listed on a separate row.

Encounter Service Costs

The cost of all encounters logged in the system aggregated at the service level, but not the problem level. This means that if there are two services listed under an encounter and two problems then their will be separate rows for both of the services, but the problems will be grouped together and not result in separate rows. This is to avoid over estimating service costs by double counting the number of services performed.


Encounters logged within the system grouped at the services and problem level. This means if there are multiple services and multiple problems under a single encounter then there will be a separate row for each service and problem combination (Two services and two problems will result in four separate records to account for all the possible combinations).


A list of events documented in the system.

Events and Exposures

Attendance of scheduled events logged within Healthy Roster. This will show who participated in which events. If they did not participate due to a documented problem it will also include that information as well.

Form Data: Insert Form Name Here

Displays form submission data, background questions, and form field values for the form listed in the data source

Hotline Call History

Incoming calls through the healthy roster hotline service. Common use cases include checking on missed calls, auditing which providers are answering the calls and the length of calls.

Incident Reports

Incident Reports documented within the system. If multiple problems are associated with a single Incident Report each problem will result in a separate row.


The status of user invitations for users under specific organizations


Patient Demographic and contact information


Problems documented within the system. All problems will be included in this data source regardless of whether they are associated with an incident report, encounter or referral.

Provider Engagement by Organization

System activity information grouped by organization to help monitor productivity and engagment across the different organizations within your account

Provider Engagement by Provider User

System activity information grouped by individual provider users to help monitor productivity and engagment across different users within your account.

Referral Revenue

The estimated revenue of all referrals logged in the system aggregated at the service level, but not the problem level. This means that if there are two services listed under a referral and two problems then their will be separate rows for both of the services, but the problems will be grouped together and not result in separate rows. This is to avoid over estimating revenue by double counting the number of services performed.


Referrals logged within the system grouped at the services and problem level. This means if there are multiple services and multiple problems under a single referral then there will be a separate row for each service and problem combination (Two services and two problems will result in four separate records to account for all the possible combinations).

Standard Clinical Summary Submissions Data

Status and Recipient information for clinical summaries generated/sent from Healthy Roster. Includes relevant patient data

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