Managing Notifications FAQ

Updated by Maggie Mancini

Managing Notifications - 2.0

00:00: Hi, this is Maggie from healthy roster. And in this video. I'm going to show you a few ways how you can manage your notifications. 00:08: Up first I'm going to show you how to edit your notifications on the web version of healthy roster. If you click your profile icon in the top right hand corner, you will then be able to edit your problem injury notifications or your document summary frequency notifications. 00:27: After you have selected your icon, you will then select your name and email address in the top right hand corner. 00:34: If you scroll to the bottom, you will see the notification preferences section first is the problem email notifications or the injury email notifications. These are toggled on for this screen. If you would like them to be turned off just uncheck this box here. 00:53: To the right you will see the document summary report notification frequency the document summary report notification is an email notification that providers receive to remind them to check their document summary report this report shows what documents are missing or expiring or still need to be signed? You can edit this frequency here to be daily weekly monthly or none. 01:20: Once you have established your notification preferences click save at the bottom. 01:26: Next I'm going to show you how you can view your read or unread notifications. You will see there are two Bell icons on the home screen of healthy roster one on the left hand navigation and one in the top right hand corner. If you have new notifications, they will flag red on either of these icons. 01:47: The notifications page defaults to unread notifications only to view your read notifications untoggle this section. 01:57: It now that I have untoggled my read notifications I can now see any previously notifications I've opened and I can jump to any of these notification contents by clicking directly on the notification. 02:10: Now I'm going to show you how you can view your notifications by category on your notification screen. You will see a category select menu option to the left of your unread toggle. Select this menu. 02:23: You have a few different options. You can choose from to filter how you want to see your notifications. You can choose documents problems status updates follow up services surveys LMS effects Integrations or clinical summaries. Let's say you only want to view your status updates selects that us update. 02:45: Now that I have filtered to just status update notifications. I'm now only seeing those types of notifications and can quickly reach those status updates by clicking directly on this notification. 02:58: Here lastly. I'm going to show you how an account owner or admin provider user can edit. The notifications for other providers. Sometimes providers just need to be Associated to the organization and do not necessarily need to receive notifications to turn these notifications off for these providers. Please follow these steps. First you will select your organizations tab on the left hand navigation select the three dots to the right of the organization that the provider is assigned to and select assign athletic trainers or assign providers. 03:34: On this screen, you will see any providers who are assigned to this organization. You can disable their notifications by clicking the three dots to the right of the athletic trainer's name and selecting disabled notifications. The same steps apply if you need to enable the notifications for a provider. 03:53: Now, you know how to manage your notifications this helped doc below provides more details on how you can manage your notifications by answering some frequently asked questions. If you have any questions for us or need to reach our support team, please reach out to help at healthy

FAQs Below:
  1. How are Notifications Received?

Notifications are sent via email and/or “push” notification to your mobile device. 

  • Email Notifications:
    • Click on the link in the email to view it. You may need to log in before seeing the contents. If you do not want to receive email notifications, you can turn them off by visiting the “Edit Profile” section in the top right corner of the website while logged in. Scroll down to the Notifications section and un-click the box to turn them off.
    • To view notifications on the web version of HR - click the notifications icon on the left hand navigation, or the bell icon in the top right hand corner. They will flag red if there are unread notifications. Example of email notification provided below:
  • Push Notifications (app only):
    • These can be opened by swiping right to left. You may need to log into the app to view the contents. You can turn these off in the Notification section of your phone’s settings.
    • To view notifications in the app: tap on the NOTIFICATIONS tab on the horizontal menu at the bottom of the screen.
    * Notifications that are prompted by others (Providers, Users) will appear as New Notifications, while your own entries will appear under “All Notifications”. Once a New Notification is tapped on, it moves to the ALL tab.
  1. As a Provider User in Healthy Roster, what activity will send me a Notification?
  • If you are apart of a patient's care circle, you will receive notifications when documentation occurs. Certain actions will send a notification, while others do not. 
  • The following actions will send notifications to other all care circle members (providers, parents, coaches, etc).
    • All activity on the Injuries tab (new Injuries, status updates, comments on injury timelines)
    • Document uploads that are NOT assigned to a document type. If the document is an assigned/required document, AT’s will receive a “Document Summary Report” that will include all document activity for a day, a week, or month. The frequency of this report can be controlled in the Notifications section in the “Edit Profile” area. 
    • Document reminders – if the document type is required, needs attention or is missing. 
    • Creation of a Follow Up Service
  • The following actions can only be completed by a Provider and will NOT send a notification
    • Incident Reports (unless a new Injury is created from within an Incident Report)
    • Treatments
    • Admin Notes on Documentation (dependent on the privacy level of the note template)
  1. Why can’t I “Mark all as Read”?
  • Since every action that is taken in Healthy Roster needs to be able to be time-stamped for auditing and liability, we cannot create a “mark all as read” button as we would technically be marking something as read when you haven’t actually viewed it. For your protection as a HIPAA compliant health care provider, we have to require you to actually click-tap on every notification that is marked as Unread.
  1. Who else receives Notifications for my athletes?
  • The “Care Circle” for a patient is who will receive notifications. Click on “Manage Care Circle” for an patient to view the recipient list.
  • If a Coach is assigned to a team, they will only receive notifications for the patients that they have permission to view. For example, if a patient (or their parent/guardian if the patient is under 18) has not yet joined Healthy Roster and therefore has not yet given permission to share their info with a coach, this coach will NOT receive a notification, other than a status update. Once a Primary User joins and gives permissions to share their info – more Notifications will be received.
  • Please note that the above notification sends are dependent on the privacy level of the injury documentation. Please see here for further details on injury privacy levels.
  1. How do I know if a User has seen a Notification?
  • Notifications for your own entries will appear on the ALL NOTIFICATIONS list, so you have a direct link to the contents. To separate Unread Notifications from Read notification: Toggle on or off the Unread Only, image below:
  • Read receipts are available for comments on Injuries, simply click on “Seen By” in the conversation box in the Injury Timeline to see who viewed it, and when. 
  1. How can I help others manage their Notifications?
  • Users at the Organization level (Athletic Directors, School Nurse, Coaches) can manage which organizations they do/do not receive notifications for. When a User is logged in, they can view the settings by clicking on the 3 dots to the right of the Org. 
  • An account owner or Admin Provider User has access to the organizations Assign Providers screen. On this screen, you will see which providers are assigned and the capability of disabling their notifications for the athletes in this organization. Simply click the three dots to the right of the provider name, and select Disable Notifications.
  1. How do I turn off notifications?
  • To turn off notifications on the Web platform: Select your profile picture in the upper right hand corner, and click on your name. Scroll down to "Notification Preferences." Here you will see two different notification settings: Injury Email Notifications and Document Summary Report Notification Frequency. To disable injury email notifications, uncheck the box. To select your document summary report frequency or to turn off: Select the drop down menu and choose from None, Daily, Weekly, or Monthly.
  • To turn off Push Notifications on your iOS or Android device: in your phone settings select the Healthy Roster app. Click on Notifications and change the toggle to allow or not allow notifications.
  1. Can I filter what type of notification to see?
  • Yes! To filter a notification category: Select the notifications icon on the left hand navigation, and select Category. Here you can select what type of notifications you want to see, for example: Status Updates, Injuries, Treatments, etc.

Managing Notifications - Legacy

  1. How are notifications received?
  2. As a Provider User in Healthy Roster, what activity will send me a Notification?
  3. Why can't I "Mark all as Read"?
  4. Who else receives notifications for my athletes?
  5. How do I know if a User has seen a notification?
  6. How can I help others manage their notifications?
  7. What happens when I click on "Clear Alerts"?
  8. How do I turn off notifications?
How are Notifications Received?
  • Notifications are sent via email and/or “push” notification to your mobile device. 
  • Email Notifications:
    • Click on the link in the email to view it. You may need to log in before seeing the contents. If you do not want to receive email notifications, you can turn them off by visiting the “Edit Profile” section in the top right corner of the website while logged in. Scroll down to the Notifications section and un-click the box to turn them off. On the website, click on the NOTIFICATIONS tab on the vertical menu on the left-hand side and select the one you want to view. 
      If you have new Notifications that have not been read yet, they will also appear on the home page of the website (Dashboard) so extra attention is called to them. Once those Notifications are clicked on, they will move to the “All Notifications” list and will no longer appear on the Dashboard page. 
  • Push Notifications (app only):
    • These can be opened by swiping right to left. You may need to log into the app to view the contents. You can turn these off in the Notification section of your phone’s settings. In the App, tap on the NOTIFICATIONS tab on the horizontal menu at the bottom of the screen.
      Notifications that are prompted by others (Providers, Users) will appear as New Notifications, while your own entries will appear under “All Notifications”. Once a New Notification is tapped on, it moves to the ALL tab.
As a Provider User in Healthy Roster, what activity will send me a Notification?
  • Notifications are sent when there is activity for an athlete that you are associated with. Certain actions will send a notification, while others do not. 
  • The following actions will send notifications to other Providers and Users (parents, adult athletes, coaches).
    • All activity on the Injuries tab (new Injuries, status updates, comments on injury timelines)
    • Document uploads that are NOT assigned to a document type. If the document is an assigned/required document, AT’s will receive a “Document Summary Report” that will include all document activity for a day, a week, or month. The frequency of this report can be controlled in the Notifications section in the “Edit Profile” area. 
    • Document reminders – if the document type is required, needs attention or is missing. 
    • Creation of a Follow Up Service
  • The following actions can only be completed by a Provider and will NOT send a notification…
    • Incident Reports/SOAP Notes (unless a new Injury is created from within an Incident Report)
    • Treatments
    • If you utilize the eFax feature, incoming faxes will appear as a notification. This will include a link to download the incoming eFax.
Why can’t I “Mark all as Read”?
  • Since every action that is taken in Healthy Roster needs to be able to be time-stamped for auditing and liability, we cannot create a “mark all as read” button as we would technically be marking something as read when you haven’t actually viewed it. For your protection as a HIPAA compliant health care provider, we have to require you to actually click-tap on every notification that is marked as Unread.
Who else receives Notifications for my athletes?
  • The “Care Circle” for an athlete is who will receive notifications. Click on “Manage Care Circle” for an athlete to view the recipient list.
  • If a Coach is assigned to a team, they will only receive notifications for the athletes that they have permission to view. For example, if an athlete (or their parent/guardian if the athlete is under 18) has not yet joined Healthy Roster and therefore has not yet given permission to share their info with a coach, this coach will NOT receive a notification, other than a status update. Once a Primary User joins and gives permissions to share their info – more Notifications will be received.
How do I know if a User has seen a Notification?
  • Notifications for your own entries will appear on the ALL NOTIFICATIONS list, so you have a direct link to the contents. To separate UnRead Notifications from those that you have already seen, simply click/unclick on the checkbox at the top right that says "Unread Notifications Only"
  • Read receipts are available for comments on Injuries, simply click on “Seen By” in the conversation box in the Injury Timeline to see who viewed it, and when. 
How can I help others manage their Notifications?
  • Users at the Organization level (Athletic Directors, School Nurse, Coaches) can manage which organizations they do/do not receive notifications for. When a User is logged in, they can view the settings by clicking on the 3 dots to the right of the Org. 
What happens when I click on “Clear Alerts”?
  • For Documents that are expired, there is a “Clear Alerts” button that Providers may click on to override the expiration date for each specific document. If Alerts are cleared, the expiration date will go unchanged, but the categorization of the document will be changed from “Document Requiring Attention” to “Uploaded Documents” and the alert icon will no longer appear when viewing the list of Documents. 

  • The “Clear Alerts” feature can only be used by the Provider (AT, Physicians, etc.) and not by a User (Parent, Adult Athlete, Coach,etc.). Once a document has its’ alert cleared, it cannot be restored unless a new replacement document has been uploaded with an expiration date. 
How do I turn off notifications?
  • To turn off notifications on the Web platform, from your homepage on the upper right corner click "edit profile" under your username. Scroll down to "Notification Settings". Here you can select your notification preference for "Document Summary Report Frequency" as well as disable injury email notifications.
  • To turn off notifications for the App, in your phone settings select the Healthy Roster app. Click on Notifications and change the toggle to allow or not allow notifications.

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