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Completing NAHGA Insurance Claim

How to complete a NAHGA insurance claim.

Niki Budd
Updated by Niki Budd

Completing NAHGA Insurance Claim

The NAHGA Insurance Claim form is available for any Healthy Roster customer. To utilize it, first make sure that the form itself has been loaded into your account and has its own Document type. You can check by clicking on the Documents tab on the left to see you existing list of Document Types.

  1. If you do not see it the NAHGA Claim Form in your documents, you will need to create a document type for it. Follow along with: Creating a Document Type
    1. If you do not see this form on your list of available forms, please email us at to have it added to your account.
  2. Once the Document type is active and assigned to your athletes, the next step is to go to the athlete’s profile who needs a completed NAHGA form and click on their DOCUMENTS tab.
  3. Select Add
  4. Select the document type from the drop down listing
  5. Select Fill Online
  6. Complete the claim and select OK
  7. Input Document details if desired, select OK
  8. After filling out the form, the form will need to be signed by you, the Health Care Provider. When the “Consent to Sign” window opens, enter your name, select your role, and then click on “I Agree.”. It will then take to you to the form itself, where the signature can then be applied.
  9. The PDF document will now load, scroll to the supervisor signature and click to insert your signature
  10. Next, Select Request VIA Email the signature for the patient
  11. Input the patient email information, select OK
  12. The athlete's document will now show as Awaiting Signature. Once the athlete completes the signature, the document will be listed as a completed document
  13. Once the NAHGA Insurance Form is completed and signed by both parties (if necessary), you can then return to this athlete's list of documents. A PDF of the NAHGA form will be available to download and send to respected parties.

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Submitting to AG Insurance
