How to Send an eFax

Updated by Niki Budd

How to Send an eFax - 2.0

NOTE: This feature is available as an Upgrade to your Healthy Roster account. Please chat with us on this page to learn more or go to
Please Note: Terminology is different based on your setting, for example, a clinical setting uses Care Group as Organizations, Patient instead of Athlete, and Visits instead of Treatment, lastly Problems instead of Injuries but the steps are still the same.

Video Tutorial

This tutorial demonstrates how to use eFax's web platform to send clinical summaries to outside fax recipients.

00:00: Hi, this is Nikki from healthy roster. And this tutorial is going to show you how to send an eFax. 00:05: To begin navigate to the patient profile you will then select the waffle icon in the upper right-hand corner. 00:12: Now select send clinical summary. 00:16: Select effects as your destination 00:20: Now you will begin the process of selecting what items you'd like to include in your clinical summary effects. You can select the documents injuries treatments follow-ups status updates and notes selecting next through each item to advance. 00:36: Now you will configure your eFax. Are you sending to a new recipient? If so input their name and their fax number or are you sending to an existing recipient? If so select existing recipient and select them from the drop-down box. 00:50: Once the destination of the effects is input select next. 00:55: Now you're directed to a confirmation page here. We ask that you review the information that you are delivering via eFax once you're ready select submit. 01:05: You will now get a running job's notification to let you know that this information is processing. 01:11: If you have questions or need more help, please visit the help tab on the left navigation or reach us directly at help at

Step-By-Step Tutorial
  1. Sign in to your Healthy Roster account and go to the Patient Profile
  2. Select the Waffle Icon
  3. Select Send Clinical Summary
  4. Select E-Fax
  5. Select what you'd like to include
Note: Follow along with: Download Clinical Summary to learn about selection for your Efax
  1. Select where the Efax should deliver: New Recipient or an Existing Recipient
  2. Select Next
  3. Review the information you've selected to send with you EFax, select Submit

How to Send an eFax - Legacy

NOTE: This feature is available as an Upgrade to your Healthy Roster account. Please chat with us on this page to learn more or go to

This video and tutorial shows you how to use eFax on the web platform to send clinical summaries to your athlete’s Physician, Physician Assistant or other health care provider.

Please Note: Terminology is different based on your setting, for example, a clinical setting uses Care Group as Organizations, Patient instead of Athlete, and Visits instead of Treatment, lastly Problems instead of Injuries but the steps are still the same.

Video Tutorial

Step-By-Step Tutorial
  1. Sign in to your Healthy Roster account and go to the athletes / patients profile
  2. Click on the “Send Clinical Summary” button
  3. Enter fax number or choose an existing. Existing contacts are pulled from the Follow-up providers already in the system with associated fax numbers.
  4. You can select any injury, treatment / visit, or document you want to send associated with that athlete / patient.
  5. Follow prompts to select what you would like sent and select “Send Clinical Summary”

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